Hola Chulas y Chulos, how the chanclada are you?! Hope you and your pompis are ready for another smackingly wonderful edition of The Flying Chancla Report because my chancla and I have gathered fun items for ya. ¿Listos?
- In case you don’t know my chancla and I became BIG fans of “Gilmore Girls” this year. We never watched it when it originally aired, but when we found out that Netflix was planning on doing a revival we decided it was a good excuse to get our binge on. We ended up loving it and it was pretty awesome for me as a mother because my daughters watched it with me so bonding happened. Yay, a show with female leads that we could all watch together.
Anygüeys, I tell you all this because Netflix finally released a trailer with a date announcement for “Gilmore Girls: A Year in the Life” and I guess I know what I will be doing on November 25. Check it out!
ALSO READ: Pokemon Pendejadas That Will Make You Laugh
- The next little piece is just for giggles. You could use a giggle, couldn’t you? Watch this and if the delightful little boy who can’t stop cracking up doesn’t make you giggle, please make an appointment to see a humorologist because your giggle reflex is clearly off.
- Guess what? Finally, you can walk a mile in Jennifer Lopez’s shoes.
She’s doing a capsule collection with Giuseppe Zanotti that will launch in January of 2017 so you better start saving your pennies now if you are interested because Giuseppe Zanotti shoes are not cheap.
A photo posted by Giuseppe Zanotti Design (@giuseppezanottidesign) on
- The following video hilariously covers the topic of what it’s like to look white and be Mexican. WARNING: There are curse words. Proceed only if your delicate ears will not be offended by groserías.
ALSO READ: Quit Judging Latinos That Don’t Speak Spanish
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
I can always count on your flying chancla report to brighten my day and leave me in hysterics. That last video … spot on! and hilarious!