Do you watch the Oscars? I’m not gonna lie, I like watching more for the pageantry than anything else. There have also been times when I’ve enjoyed a good teardown of someone’s outfit. Know that I love beauty in all its forms. For example, Bjork in her swan dress was awesome in my opinion because she is a friggin’ original that stays true to herself and there is nothing more beautiful than that, but I also have a wicked sense of humor that at times I can not resist using.
I try to be a little more conscious of what I say now that I have two daughters because I don’t want them to pick people apart or to pick themselves apart. I am the daughter of a mother who picks people apart and it is not good.
I once told my mother that someone on TV looked gorgeous and she said, “Djes, but look at her elbows. Dey are de ugliest elbows, I eber esee in my life.” To which I responded, “Ama, when you are that beautiful… who the heck is going to be looking at your elbows?!”
Now that you know where I am coming from you will understand why I felt it necessary to compile…
- Oh my Gwad, why is Daniel Day Lewis still with his wife? She is nowhere near as famous as he is, he could do so much better.
- I wonder why Hugh Jackman’s wife won’t admit that he’s gay, what’s the big deal?
- I can’t believe Sally Field is still alive!
- Do you think Tommy Lee Jones is hung like Tommy Lee?
- Quvenzhane Wallis should really think of changing her name to something that is a lot easier for me to pronounce and remember. I mean honestly!
- Finally Anne Hathaway is Hollywood skinny, I hope she doesn’t get Hollywood fat again!
- So excited about Seth Macfarlane hosting. I hope he rips everyone a new one.
- Sure, if I were rich and had a chef, personal trainer, and people catering to all my needs I would look that good. (Not true, I’d still be as lazy and undisciplined as I am now.)
- Ugh, why is she an actress; she’s not even pretty?
- Who cares who wins? I just want to see who looks like crap.
Disclosure: I’m kidding!!!
Good advice!
That’s a great list…LOL
I will be watching for sure…………..I can’t wait!
Q. I think that’s what everyone should call her. Q. Ms Wallis
I haven’t missed a year of the OSCARS since 1978.
I so enjoy seeing what the girls wear!
& I looooooooooove if Brad and Angelina show up!
btw, Danial Day is SOOooo HOT!
Also, I hope Sally wins something so she can say “YOU do like me. YOU really f-ing like me!!”
Giggle. How I missed it? Jeez. I love watching these. And I love the live performances in between.
I laughed all the way through. Funny stuff right there!
hahaha this is so good! but seriously : Jackman’s gay, really?? lol