My mother has a way of making everything just a little more interesting. She is not a chismosa (gossip), but she has a way of making things sound more chisme-worthy. I would not say that she is a liar (because she really believes the things that come out of her mouth), but I would advise you to take anything that she says with a grain of salt, sometimes I would advise taking it with a giant boulder of salt. For example…
My mother has been kind enough to stay with us during what has been a difficult time. Her being here has provided me with opportunities to rest. A few days ago I was laying in bed relaxing while Unknown Papi and my mother were in the kitchen having a salad that she made. When he was done Unknown Papi walked into the bedroom and looked at me with eyes as huge as saucers and the following conversation ensued…
Unknown Papi: Did you know that Paul Newman was gay and that he was never married and that he had no children.
Unknown Mami: What are you talking about?
Unknown Papi: Oh yeah and he was found dead on the beaches of Acapulco murdered by his lovers.
Unknown Mami: Are you crazy? No he wasn’t!
Unknown Papi: But he was a really nice man and your mom really likes his salad dressing.
Unknown Mami: (finally getting it) My mother told you that?!
Unknown Papi: uh-huh…
Unknown Mami: Where does she come up with this stuff? Did you tell her she was wrong?
Unknown Papi: Of course not, what’s the point?
Unknown Mami: You know I have to say something, right?
Unknown Papi: You better not, or I’ll be pissed.
Well don’t tell Unknown Papi, but I HAD to say something. So the next time I talked to my mom I told her that as far as I knew Paul Newman was not gay, was married twice, and had a few children. Her response…
Mi Mama: (with a shrug of the shoulders) I mus be theenkin’ of Maria Felix’ son.
I’m thinking my mom could have a new career as an unauthorized biographer. Kitty Kelly better watch her back because my mom comes up with some pretty juicy tales.
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Unknown Mami’s Mama tripping through the unknown and it is really fun to hear about. I bet you are laughing so much of the time. Maybe she does it on purpose, sort of like her standup gig. I’m liking your mom.
I know many people who, if they repeat an untruth enough times, all it to be the new reality. Paul Newman, gay? Not even in a parallel universe.
Ah well, at least life is never boring with your Mama around. And his salad dressing is really good.
It’s true, things are never dull when my mom is around.
Oh geez, that’s hilarious!!
I love it! How entertaining she is…
That is hilarious! Isn’t it nice when you have comic relief right there live in your own living room!
You know, she could make MY life sound a LOT more interesting than it actually is… 🙂
You have to admit, she keeps things interesting around your house. Never a dull moment. Bless her.
Seriously…That is priceless!
That’s a good one! She sounds like a character.
omg she is so funnY!
Good for bedtime stories for Put-Pie, or, well, maybe not.
That’s classic! HAHAHAHAHA
haha. i think i love your mom…smiles. thanks for the support tonight as well…know we got you covered in prayer.
Oh what fun she must be!
LOL…found on a beach, killed by lovers …so scandalous, so CSI. I love it. 😀
O.M.G. I think I love your mamacita.
So this means life is not boring when your mom is around? 🙂 LOL
What? You mean Maria Felix’s son is not Paul Newman? I’ve had it wrong all this time…
Too funny I love your Mom!
I would loved to have been a fly on the wall when your mom and husband had the Paul Newman conversation. What a hoot.
Hope you are feeling good.
xo jj
Well, that was funny! I love that your husband didn’t want to burst her bubble lol
That is so funny! I know that I never corrected my father in law when he was wrong but that was because I would never live it down. Did it once and he didn’t talk to me for two years. I loved her answer back to you.
Ohhhh….I want her to write my biography — as my life is – it will be a snoozefest unless she dolls it up some 😀
Paul Newman is a mysterious man. His dressing is impeccable. It was nice to hear some humor from you today.
Commenting from the phone doesn’t work, so I’ll try again. I love this. I love your mom. When are you writing your one-woman show starring her? And starring in it, naturally.
So happy to hear your wonderful news. You have been close to my heart and my mind all week.
Goodness…she is such a hoot. I adore her conversations at your house!
Praying you can enjoy this first weekend of Fall 2010. XO!
I heart Unknown Abuela!
Me, too. Even though she drives me crazy at times. Who am I kidding? I don’t need her help to get to crazy, I know the way all by myself.
That’s funny. Maybe your mom was thinking of Rock Hudson. He came out in movie where was lying on a beach too. Hmmm?? 😉 LOL!! At least your mom is bringing humor into your life.
That is so funny!
You mom sounds like a hoot;)
still praying
Your mom sounds like an interesting character!! Still praying for you!!
I can’t imagine how you became a blogger. No one in your family provides any fodder for you — haha.
That’s hilarious. I would love to read more of her work! 🙂
From now on when someone tells me my information was wrong I am going to have this overwhelming urge to respond, “oh well, I must have been thinking of Maria Felix’ son”.
lol. She’s the best 🙂
OMG this is hilarious!!!
Thank you for keeping us updated on your baby. Very scary times.
I , also, use humor, to keep me up. It’s hard work , to be positive. But, as my Doctor told me, “This is going to be a battle of the mind.”
We are all praying for you, and thinking of you and your family.
Please always let us know of any changes, or how we can pray for you.
Thank goodness you have your mother and father to provide you with plenty to laugh about.
who’s there
I don’t know
I don’t know who
I told you I didn’t know…!
Stunts like this makes us want to denounce any relation to them… and then they go off and do something magically maternal making us love them all over again. My mom has her own bag of tricks. Woman drives me INSANE, but damn if I don’t love every ounce of her – bag of tricks included.