On a recent walk home from the San Francisco Botanical Gardens, I walked past the DeYoung Museum and saw this colorful piece of art on the lawn. I didn’t have to get close enough to read the signage to know that it was made by Keith Haring. I may not be an art aficionado or connoisseur per se, but Keith Haring I know, Keith Haring pieces I can recognize.
Keith Haring was an incredibly prolific artist and activist that died of AIDS-related complications when he was only 31 years old. His distinctively iconic imagery is a part of my youth. I can’t imagine the 80s without his art. I know not everyone loves his work and some don’t even consider it art, but I am not one of those people, I love it.
ALSO READ: Frida Kahlo Fotos and Frases
This particular piece was made in 1989 (the year I graduated high school). It’s enamel on aluminum and although it’s untitled, clearly it’s three figures dancing. That’s part of what I love about Haring’s work, that you don’t have to be an expert to understand or enjoy what it is that you are looking at. His pieces are for everyone, in his own words his art “was made for lots of people. You don’t have to know anything about art to appreciate it or to look at it. There aren’t any …hidden secrets or…things that you are supposed to understand.”
Keith Haring (1958-1990)
DeYoung Museum
San Francisco, CA
I found these two great videos about Keith Haring that I recommend if you would like to learn more about him and his work. This one let’s you see him in action…
This one is an animated biography and visual tribute to his style…
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ALSO READ: Do Not Pick up Chicks in Half Moon Bay (Sundays in My City)
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Lauren Bishop says
Terribly sad that he was lost to the world so young but lovely that his art remains.
LydiaCLee says
Will watch the videos later – love his work!
deborahpucci says
I enjoyed the videos and I love the Three Dancing Figures!