My littlest, my baby, is not really a baby anymore. This tiny little person is transitioning into preschool and starting to potty train. She is growing and learning and so am I. So many changes for both of us. Luckily, I have support. She is going to an excellent preschool that is focused on making her transition as wonderful as possible and as far as the potty training goes, I am lucky to be a member of the Madrinas del Baño with Pull-Ups Every Flush (because every flush deserves a celebration).
Luna Pie is not my first child and this will not be my first time at the toilet bowl (so to speak), but it’s all brand new to her and all children are different. Put Pie, my eldest, pretty much potty trained herself. Hand-to-heart she started going #2 on the potty when she was barely 1 and by the time she was 2-years-old, she was a pro at all of it. It was more like she trained us to put her on the potty than the other way around.
Luna Pie is different, therefore I will need a different strategy. Here is my plan thus far…
- Emphasize the positive.
- If she goes on the potty, we will celebrate and reward. If she goes in the diaper, we’ll discuss how next time she can try telling us before she goes so that we can put her on the potty and have a celebration.
- Use the resources at my disposal.
- Visit the Pull-Ups website and customize a digital celebration for every successful flush.
- Visit the Pull-Ups Facebook page for more tools and encouragement.
- Check out the FREE Big Kid App. Potty training… yup, there’s an app for that!
- Remember that potty training does not have to be a pain in the butt for kids or parents.
I’ll keep you posted or “flushed” with updates. I am so proud of my little cutie and all of her milestones. Thanks for following our journey.
Do you have any potty training advice that you would like to share with me?
This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Pull Ups. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
My Ava my second child my rebel refuses to get potty trained!!! LOL she goes as far as to say she will “neva eva” go to potty cause they will “neva eva” go to school!!! LOL good luck!
It was so many years ago, I forget. I suppose I’ll soon be potty training Mr. Eva.
Joey is almost SIX YEARS old and still has problems and it frustrates me to no end. Instead of starting a college fund we should have started a diaper fund.
Isabella trained in about a week and was day/night trained right at 3 years 1 month old.
I totally agree that each kid has a different strategy that will work for THEM. All 3 of mine were very different. My oldest was completely potty trained before 2… my middle around 3, my youngest not til after 3 & she was extra head-strong. She wanted to make sure she was the one making the calls. I pushed a little when I saw her inittiating but then had to back off when she noticed I was pushing & she was no longer leading. Once I backed off, she went gung ho about 2 weeks later. Potty trained at night as well within litterally days…. little stinker. Pull-ups were BIG for us in all 3 cases, gave them the control & definitely made transition easier. Go Luna-Pie, I’m rooting for you!!! 🙂
Thank you. I think Luna Pie is having control issues too. Every once in a while when she wants to make me happy, she’ll ask to sit on the potty. She wants to be in charge.
Oh they really do grow up so fast! Best of luck on your next stage of this parenting adventure 🙂
I have no advice but am taking all I can get while trying (not really) to potty train boy/girl twins….who have their own language
I was very lucky with my son – he practically trained himself. Of course, the taps in the bathroom, the liquid handwash, the shampoo, the rubber toys in the tub all helped. 😀 He was so keen on playing with all this that he would readily finish “the job”. 🙂 Pleasant times! Happy memories! Luna Pie is going to be a champ!
She is so precious…love her little bum in that first photo.
We’re thinking about starting to potty train soon. I can’t put our girl in the school next year without her being potty trained and I’d rather get that done sooner than later. (Less stress come August.)
Horrible as it may be to use food as training, my best friend keeps telling me to use M&Ms as rewards. That’s how she trained all three of her girls… one M&M for a good potty trip. The jury is still out on that one for me… lol
Recently I was extremely low on cash and debts were eating me from all sides! That was UNTIL I decided to make money on the internet. I went to surveymoneymaker dot net, and started filling in surveys for cash, and surely I’ve been far more able to pay my bills!! I’m so glad, I did this!! – f12r