10. Going to Target in Colma is an event you’ve been looking forward to all month. (Yes, there are now City Targets, but they just aren’t the same.)
9. When someone from out of town asks you if something is within walking distance and you say yes to anything under 4 miles away.
8. You shake your head at tourists wearing shorts in the “summer” and shivering in their brand new fleece jackets emblazoned with “San Francisco” that they HAD to buy at Fisherman’s Warf because they are freezing their cojones off.
7. Even if you don’t smoke weed, you giggle when you ask what time it is and someone answers “4:20”.
6. You are not surprised to find out that the panhandler in front of your work makes more money than you do.
5. You own more reusable grocery bags than purses.
4. You look around your living room and realize that it is furnished almost entirely with things you found on the street.
3. You think burritos everywhere should be at least the length of your forearm and weigh in at no less than 2 lbs.
2. You don’t bat an eyelash when you see a man rollerskating down the street wearing nothing, but a leather hat and tiny strip of leather on his fruit basket.
And the # 1 reason you know you’ve lived in San Francisco too long:
Even though you own a car, you walk or take the bus everywhere because there is no way you are giving up your parking space.
#1 sounds a lot like NYC…
I admit it, I fell victim to #8. Dang it, its California! All us mid-south people think of is beaches! 🙂
You are not alone. My mother comes to visit me all the time in the “summer” and every single year I have to remind her to bring a jacket.
My mother-in-law finally – FINALLY – came in October and was stymied by the beautiful weather. The tourism part cracks me up though – doesn’t anyone read a guidebook or tune in to the weather channel before they come here? The time when this really backfires is when well-meaning relatives send clothes that my daughter never gets to wear like shorts and tank tops and sandals. Too bad too. Ain’t nothin’ cuter than baby toes in sandals.
My MIL lives in Hawaii, my mother lives in San Diego, we get all kinds of inappropriate clothing for our girls. Very cute, but not useful here at all.