Do you know the game two truths and a lie? It’s a really fun game where you tell two truths and one lie about yourself. You want to make it hard for people to be able to tell what the lie is. I’ve played it in theater classes and love it; it’s a great ice-breaker. Early into my blogging career (yes, I’m calling it a career), I played two truths and a lie because Mrs. 4444 reminded me of this great game and I think it’s about time we play again.
I’ll do 2 sets of the game.
Instructions: Choose which one of the three statements (in each set) you think is a lie.
Set A (The Celebrity Game):
- I used to work at Crabtree and Evelyn and Drew Barrymore wanted to buy a picture frame, but when she pulled out her checkbook and had no ID, I told her I couldn’t take her check.
- I served George Lucas a non-alcoholic drink at a theater. He didn’t tip.
- I help Matthew McConaughey pick out a shirt at a department store, which is weird because he hardly wears them.
Set B (The Name Game):
- My middle name is Felicia.
- I don’t have a middle name.
- I have 2 last names.
I will put the answers (or what the lie is in each set at the end of this post), but you should guess in the comments before you look at the answers.
Wanna play along? Leave your two truths and a lie in the comments section and I’ll send you an email telling you which one I think is the lie. You can then let me know if I’m wrong or right.
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
Why lie when the truth is so interesting?
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
Answers…Set A (#3 is the lie) Set B (#1 is the lie)
I cheated and looked at the answers, but I would have gotten A right and B wrong.
I scored 50/50.
Which one is a lie?
1. I stood up once in a large auditorium in the middle aisle, front row, and my slip fell off and lay at my feet. I had to shuffle out of it in full flourescent lighting while talking to complete strangers.
2. I fell off a stage while receiving a teen award, yellow skirt flying over my head. I blocked out the aftermath. Did I go back onstage? Did I have a concussion? I can’t remember.
3. I once told a pastor’s wife in Spanish that I was full of shit, instead of full of fear. (mierda, miedo). She laughed so hard I thought she would pee in her pants.
Oh, these are VERY good. I want them all to be true. I’m going to say #2 is the lie.
Number 3. I did say this one time, but it was not to a pastor’s wife. My friend and I laughed at my mistake.
Dang it! That was my first choice, but I found it so funny I wanted it to be true.
Public appearance gaffes – did those keep you out of running for public office?
All good, I’m guessing the slip falling off is the lie.
That happened. The lie is I told the pastor’s wife I was full of shit. I said once I have shit to a friend not I have fear. Almost but not quite the truth.
Set B has an interesting logical solution. If you notice 1 and 2 can NOT BOTH be the right answers therefore 3 can NOT be a lie. So using logic I know that is either 3 and 1 or 3 and 2.
Alright you have persuaded me to play.
1. I have won money in a pickle jar.
2. I mistakenly chewed on the thin plastic of a fruit rollup (they still make those?) and thought they were too tough for me to eat.
3. I was attacked by a shark while snorkeling.
Is #3 the lie?
Yes – why do I think you had no problem figuring that out.
Feels good to be right. Now hand over some of that pickle jar money.
Ha that’s long gone. I think it happened back in the late 80’s. Since I enjoy pickles we have probably spent more than that on pickles since then.
I’m guessing #3 is the lie–attacked by a shark while snorkeling.
you are right. Now that I look at the choices I noticed that I made #2 too long so that probably gives it away as a true one.
I guessed that #3 was the lie in number 1 because who would still be alive after being that close to someone that gorgeous? LOL I got confused on the second one and thought I was picking a truth. Amazing what age does to one’s mind. LOL I can never come up with anything interesting to tell the truth OR lie about. 🙂
I’m so bad.. I thought for sure #3 was true.. dang it.. I suck at this game
1) I know someone who drove a Dodge Viper to the arctic circle and back.
2) I do not have an ulna in my right arm.
3) I dye my hair every 6 weeks.
Is #3 the lie?
I was wrong about both of your lies! Some nose for the truth!
1. I have traveled on the Danube River.
2. I have seven kids/stepkids.
3. I gamble every chance I get.
Fun! Is #3 the lie?
I say 3 is the lie–you don’t gamble!
Hey I got them both right! Do I win a prize? 🙂
Here are mine:
1. I toured with a theater group as a babysitter.
2. My middle name is my moms maiden name.
3. I ran from SF to Mexico one summer.
You get bragging rights, that’s about it.
Is #3 the lie?
#2 is the lie. I don’t have a middle name. My parents couldn’t agree on a first name. Dad wanted Sonia, Mom wanted Stephanie. They compromised with Michelle. Not sure how its a compromise but it worked.
What a fun game….I was totally wrong on yours!
I am not going to cheat… in the first set I think No# 1 is the lie, in the second set I think No# 2 is the lie.
Now mine.
1. I live in the largest city in New Zealand
2. I really love babies.
3. I love coffee.
#3 is the lie? You don’t love coffee?
I’m guessing #2 is the lie, course it could be 3 too.
Drat… got them both wrong! lol
What!?! You’re making us WORK for our FFs? OK – – – stabs in the dark – – – #2 for set 1 and #2 for set 2.
You made me laugh. Sorry, next time I’ll post lazy FFs.
I want to believe the Drew Barrymore one. I’m going to say two last names!
I was totally wrong. LOL – I loved playing though and I may need to play along 🙂
Play! It’s fun.
I definitely think you have two last names and maybe, possibly didn’t help Matthew in a department store….But REALLY interesting stuff!! 🙂 And he shouldn’t wear a shirt. HA.
Never played this game but have heard of it. I found your post an original and creative delight.
I hunches tell me that you refused Barrymore’s check and that you have two last names.
I will give you three things and you will find that two of them are listed in the 100 things about me found on a tab on top of my regular blog here:
Here is my list:
My first husband was my Uncle’s brother.
The first time I got carded for liquor I was in my forties
I played the flute in my high school band
I’m guessing the last one is the lie, that you didn’t play the flute in the high school band.
Zemeks, you are correct. In fact I have no musical talent of any kind. Can’t carry a tune in a bucket, as the saying goes.
Well I was wrong on both counts. Hope you do better.
I say A is 2 and B is 1.
I guessed #2 and #1, at least I got one right. I played this with my VBS small group and they liked it too. Okay, here’s mine:
1–I have lots of softball trophies.
2–I never used to like to read.
3–I don’t have a stove.
answer: 1–have lots of bowling trophies, not softball.
You should have answered later. I was think #2 because I thought most readers start out as readers. I get a softball strike instead of a bowling strike.
Is #2 the lie? I was gonna say #3, but I think someone that has a stove wouldn’t think to lie about not having one.
I scored 50/50…
When I was 15, I was helping on my uncles boat and we crashed sinking the boat. We had to wait for the coast guard to come get us, it was scary.
Once, while I was at a huge conference, I started feeling sick and quickly excused myself. Only to start running down the aisle because it was coming. Needless to say, I barfed all the way down the aisle.
When I was in elementary school, I did all sorts of dangerous things, playing in storm drains, running across the freeway, ditching school, playing with fire. etc.
This is a hard choice. I’m going to say that the last one is the lie.
Great guess, but the last one is true. I went wild when my parents got a divorce and left me with my grandma. The first one actually happened to my sister.
Oh and I think both #1’s are the lie.