My last post was about the little things my husband does for me on a regular basis that let me know I am loved. I listed a few of my favorites and one of the comments I got was:
- In addition to “praises me on her blog” what would Unknown Papi list about you?
Of course, I jumped at the chance to get Unknown Papi to sing my praises, but I was not sure that he would be game. I had to approach this delicately. We were in the kitchen and it went a little something like this:
Unknown Mami: You know people really seemed to enjoy the post I wrote about the little things you do for me that make me feel like the star of my own RomCom?
Unknown Papi: (not really listening) uh, huh. I’m hungry and I have to move the car for street cleaning.
UM: Someone asked what you would list about me.
UP: Someone asked or you’re asking?
UM: No really someone asked. Here I’ll show you the comment.
He reads the comment and shrugs his shoulders.
UM: So will you do it and then I can post it? You wouldn’t even have to write them down. You could just say them and I’ll do the rest.
UP: Sure.
UM🙁thinking – I can’t believe he’s going to do this. Jumps up and grabs a pen and paper) Okay, go ahead.
UP: Now?!
UM: Why not?
UP: Okay.
So here’s his list:
- She’s a great mother and takes care of my daughter all the time and she’s good at it.
- She’s hilarious and not in an easy sort of jokey way, but witty and smart.
- She makes me lunches when I’m too lazy to do it myself.
- She does my laundry.
- She’s very affectionate and good in bed.
- And when she does cook, she makes good food.
- She spoons me.
- She’s smart and helps me discover new ways of thinking.
- She forces me to do things like this that I don’t want to, but when I do I’m glad I did.
- She makes me smile.
UP: Great, everyone is going to think we’re so cheesy.
I'm so glad to assist in your couple communication. I'm not so great at it myself at times, so this was fun and educational.thanks and best wishes to all the Unknowns.
That's so sweet!
oh great now I have husband anxiety. no one better ask ThatHusband to chime in.Um, I mean, CUTE! Very cute. Not at all making me jealous. Hah.
Cheesy is good! You are a cute couple!
Awww. I'm so happy for you. what a great hubby. Thanks for sharing!
Unknown Papi rocks! As does Unknown Mami. I'm working on my list for Matt, but UP has a lot going for him.
Ah, it's always reciprocal, no?
Tell Unknown Papi, that we def. think you all are "Sheesy"(Cheesy):0)"BUT WE LOVE IT"!!!! Awwwwww, You all are too cute! ~Amor, Familia Y Cultura~ Betty
I don't think your cheesy…I think that's nice amd sweet…okay maybe your cheesy a little but 🙂 I wished I had such cheese…LOL
Awww! You guys are so cute! p.s. Don't worry…cheesiness is good…in more ways than one 🙂
I don't think it's cheesy…I think it's adorable! Especially that he said he likes to spoon you too:-)God bless you both and your marriage and family!
Not cheesy but genuinely in love & that's always a beautiful thing to read/see. This is what more people should embrace, not the tearing down of each other. The little everyday moments, take them in & enjoy them.
TOTALLY CHEESY!But very very nice.Every year for Valentine's Day I write 15 things about jeremiah that I love. A lot of them are too 'personal'(meaning sexual) to post, but every year he says he's going to do the same for me the next Valentine's Day…has yet to happen.And I still adore him.
What a sweet list. I think I might have to bribe Dr. Hubby to do this… I love hearing all the ways he couldn't live without me! LOL!
awww you have a keeper there!
Awwww… super cute!! What a lovely UP you have!LBM xxx
That is so sweet! What a "cheesy" couple the two of you make, but of course cheesy in a good way. 🙂
What a great guy you have there! I think that's the secret to a happy marriage. Couples who appreciate their spouse! Hugs!!
Love it!
Moments like that make everything else fade away…
That is awesome! I love "she spoons me." So cute!
Hola CHICA!!Love your blog, so I passed you some Fabulous Awards, see today's post!Smooches,Sassy Chica
Good list done under pressure!
AWESOME to have a special and mutual love and admiration!! Unknown Papi sounds lovely.Smooches,Sassy Chica
Sorry I've been absent for a while. I think this post is darling. What a great man! And you are an awesome gal too!
*little harps playing, cherubs dancing around the room* *L*But seriously, that is so cool. I ask my husband on occasion what is it about me he loves…I don't ask this often, once every few years and usually for my own amusement because he is so rubbish at it and looks at me like I'm an alien."Uh…your eyes". Yes, husband, my eyes aren't a 'quality'. Everyone has eyes. Then I roll said eyes and sigh. Husband baiting is such good fun. Hey, he has his sports, I have mine….;O)
Awwww! Unknown Papi is a keeper! 🙂
Oh my gosh so sweet Mami : ) I love him too. And he put your daughter first. How nice is that? Adorable to the max!
That made me cry!! (and smile!)
Opa! I love that you spoon him too! lolAdorable post! My husband would leave it the 'I gotta move the car' part.
Lovely.Great reasons, yours and his. Put Pie is a lucky girl!
I almost missed this post! You are so lucky! My husband would have been all into the negative side of me.
Awwww…What a sweetie. You're a great pair 🙂
Awww! I think he LIIIKES yoooou! 🙂