Wednesday is almost over and I am just now getting around to making Wednesday Wishes. It doesn’t matter though because the thing about the Universe is that it is open to suggestions and requests 24/7. There is no such thing as being late when it comes to the wish party. Just show up when you show up and get your wishing on.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- This week has kicked my butt something horrible. What happened in Orlando has me crushed. I am prone to panic attacks and this week the panic attacks have kept me prone. I am wishing for peace inside and out.
- Also, tomorrow I need to ask my therapist for something and I’m scared. Please help me be my own best mental health advocate.
ALSO READ: 49 Touching #LoveIsLove Tweets in Honor of Our Slain Brothers and Sisters in Orlando
For others:
- Bryanne is wishing that her son and his girlfriend have a safe and growth-filled trip to Japan.
- Kelly is wishing for gun control legislation to be passed this year. I vote for that as well!
- Sheryl’s friend Denia started having unexplained seizures. Doctors have yet to find a cause and she is pretty much housebound until a cause and treatment can be determined. May she get the answers and help she needs quickly. In the meantime, please help her with the fear she must be experiencing.
- Sheila has been under/unemployed since last November and she’s got a job interview coming up next week that could remedy that situation. Help the interviewers see that Sheila is the answer to their employment quest.
- Cindy, Audrey, Mari, Deborah and anyone with a compassionate heart is wishing for peace and healing for all the loved ones of the victims in Orlando.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Hope things went well for you at your therapist.((Hugs))