Holy mierda, you guys! I am in such a funk that I really don’t feel like making Wednesday Wishes this week because I am far too busy bemoaning the current state of my affairs. But I’m going to make them because I know that giving into despair is bullcaca and whether I feel it or not at the moment, the Universe is and always has been abundant. Join me in tapping into that abundance.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- I’m in the mood for NOTHING. I want to do NOTHING. I am inspired to do NOTHING. Either let me do NOTHING until I get bored of it, or get me out of this NOTHING kind of mood please.
- My husband had emergency surgery for an internal hernia on Thursday. I believe he will be fine and I am grateful that the operation went smoothly. I wish for a swift recovery for him and patience for myself because now I have to do everything I have always done and everything he usually does as well.
- When my husband went to the ER for his internal hernia he had a CT scan and they found a water sac in his lungs. He was advised to see a pulmonary specialist as soon as he could. May he find a good specialist that helps him with this issue.
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For others:
- Teri would like clarity and courage. I already know she has courage. Maybe help remind her of just how courageous she is and give her the clarity she is seeking.
- Eileen has a beautiful back-to-school related wish that I know many will appreciate. In her words because she says it so well, “I wish for all children, teachers & staff to be protected this school year. That parents become even more involved and advocate for their children to help build this education gap. That parents feel secure when sending their children off to school and receive them back by the end of the day filled with beautiful learning experiences and memories to live for a lifetime.” Yes to all of it, Universe.
- Johanna is also wishing for a great school year.
- Sharifa needs patience. So do I. Can you hurry up with that, Universe? Yes, I realize I’m not being patient about the patience coming, but for reals what’s taking so long?
- Kelly wants all Latinx to get their vote on this year and for more peace in this world. Por fa!
- Deborah is doing better health-wise in terms of her lungs and atrial fibrillation and for that we are grateful and continue to wish for progress. She is going to see an orthopedic specialist regarding a knee injury she sustained from a fall in May. She is wishing that surgery is not necessary.
- Paty is lending some of her wishing strength to my hubby’s recovery. Gracias, amiga!
- Pattie wants to help her niece become a great VA. I see no reason why that can’t happen.
- Hugs to Sheryl as she comes to terms with saying goodbye to her furbaby. She is wishing for “peace, strength and courage to make the toughest decision” of her life.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Hugs to you. Well wishes to your husband. Thank you for my wishes and I’m wishing hard for everyone!
<3 <3 <3 for you and your husband and family. Thank you for sending a wish for me!
I hope your blue funk has turned to golden spunk and that your hubby is healing well.