I am not going to lie, this last week has kicked my non-British arse something bad. The only thing that has gotten me through it is witnessing the abundance of the Universe all around me. Today, I almost forgot to post my Wednesday Wishes because I didn’t even remember what day of the week it is, but then I did. So here we go…
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. Peace of mind, peace of body. I’ve been going through Prozac withdrawal a.k.a Discontinuation Syndrome. It wasn’t by choice and it has sucked mightily. I am back on my meds and hopefully will feel back to “normal” soon. I’m wishing for patience and for a psychiatrist to call me back soon so I don’t go through this again.
2. Aside from dealing with all the withdrawal symptoms, I am also sick as in sore throat, coughing and all that non-goodness. I am wishing for a Thanksgiving Day miracle. I want to wake up on Thanksgiving feeling better so that we can go to my friend’s home for Thanksgiving instead of staying at home and listening to me cough all day.
3. This one is not an ask, but a thank you. I posted about the difficulties surrounding my Prozac withdrawal on Facebook and the outpouring of support was both humbling and heartwarming.
Thank you to everyone who reached out publicly and privately. It made such a difference to know that I am not alone. I’m grateful for every single one of you and I hope the Universe brings many blessings your way.
That’s it for me!
What are you wishing for?
You can tell me in the comments or you can link up below with a #WednesdayWishes post of your own. It could even be a #WednesdayWishes tweet or Facebook post if that’s more your style, just WISH! If you link up, please link back or post the Wednesday Wishes button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their Wednesday Wishes too.
The Universe is abundant, go on and make a wish!
happy thanksgiving! xo
Hi, Betty!!! I’ve missed you.Checking out the beautiful autumn leaves you posted.