It’s Wednesday, which in my bloggy world means it’s time to make some Wednesday Wishes. This is your weekly reminder from me that the Universe is abundant and that you are allowed to want everything you want and wish for it out loud even.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. Our friends invited us to their cabin for the weekend. I don’t have to wish for a good time because how could we possibly NOT have a good time? Instead I’ll wish for good health and great weather for the weekend. Bring it!
ALSO READ: 10 Tricks Kids Pull at Bedtime
2. I’ve been slacking on the exercise. It’s just so dang easy to find excuses, but I want to be healthy and fit so I promise to show up and move Universe. Can you send some endorphins to keep me motivated? Gracias.
3. This is my eldest daughter’s last week of first grade. Can you send lots of fun, learning and adventure her way this summer?
That’s it for me this week.
What are you wishing for?
Remember that the Universe is an abundant place and makes some wishes for yourself.
Do it, NOW!
A weekend away at a cabin with friends! That sounds wonderful, I am sending positive vibes your way for all your wishes to be heard and fulfilled.