It’s time to make some Wednesday Wishes and manifest abundance up in here! Are you with me? You should be because the Universe is abundant and there is enough to go around for all of us. Read along and flex your wishin’ muscles with me, please.
For myself:
- The sign ups for #WeAllGrow field trips went up today and thanks to a buddy who alerted me I was able to sign up soon after the announcement was posted. My wish is that I get my first choice. Please, Universe! All the field trips sound amazing, but I have a special desire for one of them. Make it happen!
- I want to be better at saying no to opportunities without an explanation. I always feel like I have to give a reason why I don’t want to do something, but I need to learn to simply say, “No, thank you.”
ALSO READ: The Flying Chancla Report: Selena, Barbie, Salma and Danny Trejo
For others:
- Cyndy’s cousin passed away. Please send peace and love to her and everyone else who is feeling this loss. Send them hugs and smiles and an appreciation for all the big and little things in their lives.
- My buddy Laurie, who is always thinking of others, is wishing for affordable health care and a “more just system that works for most people” including affordable drug prices. I am wishing right along with her and I would love it if we could have a health care system that works for everyone. Health care should not be a burden or a luxury. We all need it and we all deserve it. Yup, I’m going to go on record as saying that we all deserve access to quality health care no matter what our finances are. This is not a revolutionary concept, it’s a just concept. Help us get there, Universe.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for this week?
Hope your wishes come true. Years ago I learned to say “no” when I was on the PTA at my children’s grade school. Because I was a stay at home mom and other’s often backed out of things I was always called. Eventually you just have to say no to remain sane. Keeping the other’s in my prayers.
This is really a skill I need to develop. I say “no” and then I feel so guilty about it I start giving excuses left and right, which are not necessary because the answer is NO and really that’s all they need to hear.