On March 17, San Francisco residents were asked to shelter in place to help slow the spread of coronavirus. My daughters were already home from school because SFUSD schools shut down for at least three weeks starting on March 16. I work from home and my husband is not working at the moment because of the shelter in place order, so basically, we are all home all the time.
In all honesty, I’d rather have us all home together at the moment. It’s better than going about business as usual while worrying that one of us will get sick or become a carrier.
But, staying home all the time does present some challenges. I’m naturally a homebody because I have anxiety issues, but there’s a big difference between choosing to be home and being told to stay home. In order to cope, I’ve created a schedule for the girls and I’ve incorporated some imaginary travel into my daily routine. Basically, I pick a destination and travel there with the help of my imagination and some Photoshop magic, then I post the picture on Instagram with a caption for the day.
Here’s where I’ve been on my imaginary #shelterinplacetravels so far:
On Day 1, I went to Egypt.
On Day 2, I went to France.
On Day 3, I went to England.
On Day 4, I went to Italy.
On Day 5, I went to Mexico.
I’ve really enjoyed my imaginary travels because they’re fun and they really do provide me with an escape. It’s an amazing thing that I can use the same brain that causes me so much anxiety at times to “get away.”
Wherever you happen to be in the world during this pandemic, I send you so much love and wish you wellness.
ALSO READ: Managing My Anxiety During the Coronavirus Pandemic
Shelter in Place Travels
San Francisco, CA
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography hop that lets you share your part of the world and lets you travel virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
I can’t see linky, this is mine:
greetings from Poland
Sorry about that, for the last few weeks the Linky has been acting wonky for me.