I’ve had some really ridiculous jobs in my day. There was the one where I almost met George Clooney while hocking imitation designer perfumes. Almost is key. And there have been many others including the one I write about in my post at Aiming Low entitled, The Dangers of Dialing for Dollars. Yes, I was one of those annoying people that call you during dinner and try to get you to do a survey over the phone.
Other weird jobs have included:
- Being a personal assistant. It’s a little strange to buy socks for someone who is too important to buy them for themselves. Reminds me of a Seinfeld episode.
- Stuffing plastic bags with rolls of wrapping paper.
- Listening to computer-generated audio and approving whether it was pronouncing the names of bands, musicians, or album names correctly.
- Collating print-outs and turning them into manuals. You’d think they’d have a machine for that…oh, wait they do! I was probably cheaper than the machine.
My current fulltime gig is the dirtiest job I’ve ever had. Who knew I would graduate summa cum laude from college and end up wiping butts, feeding, doing laundry, and being in charge of keeping two small lovable tyrants alive? Nothing in college prepared me for this. The patience and time-management skills needed for parenting didn’t come with my diploma.
What weird jobs have you had?
And now your Friday Fortune Cookie
(don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined):
You might as well enjoy your work.
Hosted by Mrs. 4444
I did the phone thing for those city entertainment coupon book things. SUCKED! I made good money, but I’d never do that again. I don’t think I ever really had a weird job.
Not really a weird job at all but some pretty cool jobs; art designer for Lamar Advertising (they figured out pretty quickly *3 months* that I had no idea what I was doing), DJ for a small market radio station. 3 years.
I love the DJ gig, sounds like fun.
I should do a post on weird jobs. I had a number of them. Yes the Seinfeld character Elaine had such funny assistant situations. That’s a type of job I never had. But I’ve sold vacuum cleaners, worked in a factory making prison equipment, worked on a project involving the Boeing 777, … Like I said I should write a post or two.
Oh, when you’re out could you pick up some underwear for me?
You should write a post about it and no, I will not buy you chonies.
thanks and it is always good to learn new slang words.
Variety is certainly the spice of life. 🙂
Yea, where IS the manual for motherhood?? I would love some pointers there. I have not had ‘odd’ jobs, so to speak, but I really enjoyed waitressing, working UPS in the middle of the night, and my stink in the Army. It shaped me, and that is a good thing.
Thank you for your kinds words on my blog layout. I really appreciate ascetic feedback. I am nowhere near an interior designer, I just like to play around with it. FB is always a good thing, thanks!
No, I really like what you’ve done. It looks nice and clean. Easy on the eyes.
I was a telemarketer trying to set up appointments for vacuum cleaner salesmen without telling the customer what this wonderful new product was that our salesperson wanted to demonstrate in their home!
Hahaha, how did you manage to keep the product a secret?
I had a vacuum cleaner salesman once who wiggled his way INTO my entry hall because there was an AWFUL snow storm going on and he had a young lad with him (10 or so) for whom I had pity.
First thing he did was hand me a can of room freshener as a “gift.”
When he realized I was NOT going to let him do a demo, he actually took the air freshener back.
I kid you NOT.
Poor kid that was with him.
Worked in my dad’s factory cleaning to toilets. As an adult I worked in a town hit by an EColi disaster and tried to revitalize their tourism industry.
This is fun! My worst was working at an answering service and trying to convince people that I wasn’t the plumber, the roofer, the dentist or the abortion clinic…at 10p at night.
But you are right. Motherhood is the HARDEST of all jobs. Balancing 3 little lives plus our own…tough but the best career ever!
First off, I LOVED the unknown comic on TV….so your profile image is super cool.
Also, being a full-time mom now is just the beginning [there is no degree for this]…once a mom always a mom….no matter what age. And the concern and worry doesn’t stop after they’re adults. My youngest is 40 now, and I still like to know he’s doing okay.
Loved your odd jobs, and really can’t think of any that I’ve had. I went from head receptionist to retired head receptionist. Different offices, but still….
Oh, and I was quite proficient at wiping butts…the worst was cleaning up el vomito!!!
Hey Claudya! Weird jobs? Honestly? None. The only one I truly hated was delivering newspapers as a teen. I guess I’ve been lucky! Indigo x
May you stay lucky!
*** Who knew I would graduate summa cum laude from college and end up wiping butts, feeding, doing laundry, and being in charge of keeping two small lovable tyrants alive?***
P R I C E L E S S !!!
The hardest job in the whole damn world ))))))!!
I was bugs bunny, Sylvester and Taz at MGA, cleaned cages and exam rooms at a veterinary clinic (and put dead dogs in the freezer), helped people put on and take off their clothes and makeup really fast (yes, a dresser at San Jose Rep), was mascot for the Oakland Invaders (USFL), bathroom attendant and others. I’m sure other people might consider some of my other jobs weird too, but I suppose it is all in your perspective. They certainly gave me some important things for motherhood: a sense of humor and an appreciation for the absurd. Also, the cage-cleaning gig …. priceless. Poopy butts don’t bother me. You are right though, college doesn’t teach you some of the more important skills for parenting, though all the all-nighters I pulled did help prepare me for the sleepless nights , plus I had plenty of opportunities to learn creative budgeting, so perhaps I did learn some mothering skills after all?
You’ve definitely had interesting jobs.
Definitely, nothing I learned in school prepared me to be a mom… Best job around, even if the hours and pay are horrible 🙂
I worked for Wendy’s in my college days. That may not sound weird, bu my specific task was to chop lettuce for the salad bar, which they had inside Wendy’s a long time ago. I would cut lettuce for 3 or 4 hours at one stretch.
I remember the salad bars at Wendy’s!
I worked the drive thru at Carl’s Jr, back when you actually had to count and make change in your head. Gone are the good ole’ days.
I know, people get shocked when I count back change to them now.
ha..i have had quite a few jobs….pulling tires off the hot press at the manufacturing plant…mens clothing…teaching…pastor….counselor…sales….repo guy was a lot of fun yet scary too…
By the time we got married at the end of our jr year in college, Fisherhubby had already had 26 different jobs, including one stint as a C & W DJ.
Whew – – – glad he hasn’t skipped around like that SINCE we got married.
Your jobs–So interesting! Some of my jobs include hawking Godiva chocolate at a mall, “modeling” in stirrups (the kind we all hate, and I”m not talking clothing) for five hours during a Kimberly Clarke photo shoot, and cleaning hospital rooms on a “terminally ill floor.” Loved your frags this week 🙂
Those jobs are different! I can’t think of anything unusual that I have done other than the home jig.
I can’t stop laughing at your current job. But dontcha love it? Especially since the paycheck comes in loads of love,hugs and kisses?
I also never have to worry about paying taxes on the hugs and love, but it is still a very taxing job.