Before the holidays my husband took my daughters on a shopping expedition and with their help he picked out a few stocking stuffers for me, one of them a pair of Cookie Monster underwear. They’re cute, but not anything I or my husband would have chosen on our own, they were chosen by my daughters. Anyway, the holidays passed and I didn’t give the underwear much thought. They waited patiently in my drawer until it was their turn to be worn.
Then one day the following exchange happened between myself and my husband. Picture this happening as I’m in my bedroom wearing nothing but my chonies and getting dressed.
Him: (he walks into the bedroom, sees me and says in an incredibly annoying voice…) COOKIE MONSTER!
Me: That’s rude!
Him: (totally confused) No, it’s not! What are you talking about?
Me: (thinking… what am I talking about? I’m in my underwear you walk in here, see me and the first thing you think of doing is calling me a COOKIE Monster?! I know I’ve gained weight, but give me a freakin’ break. There are names I could call you too like Scratch My Balls Monster, but I refrain thank you very much. Ugh! …) COOKIE MONSTER?!
Him: Yeah, you’re wearing the Cookie Monster underwear we gave you, they’re cute.
Me: Oh…
And that’s why you should never give a woman Cookie Monster underwear or at least that’s why you shouldn’t give this woman Cookie Monster underwear.
Lol – I want cookie monster underwear 🙂
They are pretty cute.
This is a great idea for a fun adult cartoon. It could involve Big Bird, Grouch, Elmo. He says, she says cartoon. Now that I think about it, Grouch underwear would be awful. Garbage cans and underwear should not mix.
If you try hard enough these could be inspirational underwear.
Ha ha ha! They are cute, but I totally get it. In the end though, he didn’t mean any harm. 🙂
You always make me laugh. Good thing you didn’t get Pillsbury Dough Boy undies.
Are you trying to give him ideas?
Love this story and I think the undies are really cute!