Who was the first person to say, Worrying is praying for what you don’t want? Do you you have any idea? I don’t, but this phrase keeps coming up in my life lately and it is so true.
Lately, I have been focusing on being positive. I want to radiate positivity. Whenever a negative thought enters my mind, I shake it off, and turn it into something positive.
Here’s the thing, although I am making a concerted effort to be positive, I always thought I was a positive person, but I haven’t been. The above quote made me realize that I have not been a positive person. Why? Because for most of my life I have been a worrier, which means I’ve been praying for what I don’t want and let me tell you I’ve had many of those prayers answered.
ALSO READ: Do You Ever Wake up Just Pissed at the World
Worrying about what hasn’t happened sucks, is a complete waste of time, and makes you focus on the negative!
Recently, I SCREWED up. I can’t tell you the details and they don’t really matter, but I MESSED UP ROYALLY. When it was brought to my attention, I fessed up, didn’t make excuses because I had none, and apologized. But there was a part of me that wanted to worry about the consequences even though no consequences had manifested.
Oh, I wanted to lose sleep over it and catastophize, but then I remembered that worrying is praying for what you don’t want and I just let it go. When it was time to face the situation in person I wished for the best and that is exactly what I got. No one even brought up my major screwup and I certainly wasn’t going to bring it up myself. Apparently my good deeds in the past have outweighed my current shortcoming.
Do you see what a waste of time it would have been to worry? I would have made myself miserable for nothing.
What about you, are you a worrier?
I had never heard that quote before, and I know I’ll be thinking about it for a long time. Very thought-provoking. It’s SO hard not to worry! I wish you success in letting go.
I am a worrier. I wish I could just let things roll off of me but my mind is generally consumed by something. Right now, it’s being employed by the time the kids start school this fall. I really want a babysitting job 🙂
I tend to worry sometimes, more than I should. That is an interesting quote!
Most of the time I don’t worry much. The odd thing I’ve noticed in the last few years is I worry more than in the past. Odd things like catching a flight.
I am a much like you. I consider myself a very positive person but I am a worrier. I had never heard that quote but it is wonderful. I am glad that everything worked out. I often punish myself far more than anyone else would. Thanks for the reminder to pray for what I want not what I don’t want.
Well – you certainly have me thinking!
I’m so happy to see that you are embracing the positive life. It’s how I try to live (and sometimes don’t) every day. This is an incredible worry quote. Trying to stop worrying is the key to my book: if you can stop worrying and let go, you can be closer to the people in your life. I absolutely LOVE this quote. Aren’t quotes wonderful. I find them to be the perfect way to start everyday and I post the ones that help me most on my Zen Mama facebook page. May I post this later on with a link to you?
Please do post it. I am in love with this quote.
I never heard of this. But I am a worrier and I NEEDED it right now. Thank you. I am trying not to worry. Thinking positive…
That quote is amazing. And it hit me straight on, like I had a bullseye on my head (where all the worrying happens).
That’s how it hit me.
UnknownMami, I preach this a lot, mostly because I tend to obsess over certain things and have learned it (sometimes the hard way). Strangely, I have a half-done draft post about this. I’d like to borrow your quote (the image) for this because you’ve inspired me to finish it 😀
Hmm. Good for you! Happy is the ultimate goal of all actions. Every other feeling is part of the journey. Hugs!
Of course you can use the image, just give me a link-back.
I don’t find it strange that you have a half done post about this. We seem to have a few parallels when it comes to thoughts. Great minds…
I have to say this is a lesson I have to keep learning, but I was really proud of myself this time around because I found it so much easier than usual to just let go of the worry and even when my husband brought up the situation with words that would normally set me off, I was very much like, “It’s going to be fine no matter what and I’m just not going to worry about it.” And it was beyond fine.
Thank you! .. Link back? I always add a little eulogy when I use anyone’s stuff. Haven’t you noticed? 😀 I enjoy blowing other peoples’ trumpets.
Oh, I’ve noticed! Even when I’m lucky enough to win something at your blog, I still get a tribute. Thank you for saying I would make your Top 20 blog list. It is an honor.
Guilty on all counts!
We never know how a situation will turn out, but worrying about it can make it so. Even though the thoughts in our head are illusion, we experience them as if they are real. And the impact of this makes us act in ways that are more likely to bring about the movie playing in our head. Worrying can create self-fulfilling prophecies, so it can actually be a dangerous thing.
The quote is a great way of snapping you back into awareness so is definitely helpful.
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
great quote, sugar, and certainly a good one to remember these days! xoxoxox
I am basically a non-worrier and it really drives my mother insane. She doesn’t understand how I can go by without worrying. I don’t know exactly why I don’t worry as much as she does… I just go with the flow of whatever, when I can. I find that is usually the best way to handle stuff. And I also don’t see the point… like you said it’s a waste of time and energy when in the end it might have been for nothing!
I recently realized I’ve gained some weight. I don’t know how much, but my jeans aren’t coming up as easily as it ought to, and yes, now, I am worrying a little about my trip. Are people going to notice? Are people going to secretly think “My god, look at her!” but at the same time, I know they probably WILL think that, but that doesn’t mean they don’t like or love me. I say… if it bothers them, let THEM deal with their feelings… its their worry and their energy. I know what I need to do to take care of the problem and I will get to it, when I get to it. Pfft.
I got my treat in the mail!!!! Thank you, and I will blog about it when I get back! 🙂
I love your attitude.
I’m glad you got your treat in the mail. It only took half a year.
Im such a worrier!! I can’t help it!
I had a similar conversation with someone very recently regarding my own tendency to “catastrophize” things. I was advised that doing this, especially in front of my kids who might be trying to work on their own issues, is not healthy for me or for them. Good words of advice. One thing that always goes on in my head is that I try real hard not to think of my life as though I was the heroine of a telenovela. Also good words of advice. Keep up the super work!!
I am a big.time.worrier. I’m trying to change that and I think I’ve been gotten a little better after I realized control is an illusion. Thanks for that quote – I needed a reminder.
I need to learn from this I’ve always said i’m my biggest critic I can’t help it I come from a family of worry warts and “que va dicir la gente” it’s a curse i tell you!
I used to be a worrier. Now I know that things will fall into place how they are supposed to be. It really is all good in the end.
I worry about the big things, but not the small stuff that won’t matter in a month or a year. I’d rather ignore them 😉
Yes I am a worrier. I have never heard this before either. Very interesting!
I used to be a worrier. I think it’s tough not to be at time because of all the responsibilities that come with adulthood and womanhood. I’ve gotten A LOT better. Try not to sweat the small stuff and really focus on what’s the come and all the good that I have in my life in the present moment.
Actually, no, I’m not a worrier, and that pisses everybody off. My best friend, my mother, everybody. But the thing is, my mother and my best friend are so good at worrying that I just let them handle it when the time comes…
i think it’s normal to worry, but it’s not healthy. faith and hope and action is what we need to guide us 🙂
I pray, pray, pray. I hate to admit that worrying is part of my nature but I pray on reversing that. It just doesn’t change anything!
I kind of go in cycles. Sometimes, I let things go easily (or at least I appear to), but other times I get worked up about things. I think that sometimes I don’t REALLY let things go…and that’s why it builds up and I get to worrying!
Im pretty sure that is a quote from Robert Downey Jr. Great quote!!
Wise and learned Robert Downey Jr.