Earlier this week, my husband and I celebrated 10 years of marriage. Since we are parents of younger children and our anniversary happened during the week, we decided we would wait until the weekend to really commemorate the occasion. Our good friends were kind enough to watch our children for an entire day so that we could enjoy some child-free fun.
We were having a great time. Nothing big, just exploring our city on foot like we used to do when we first got together. We came home to take a rest and then continue our adventures. While we were relaxing at home, the doorbell rang and it was a neighbor that we don’t really know, but have seen around. He wanted to let us know that someone had hit our parked car. DOH!
It’s a bummer, we had to get our car towed and who knows how long it will take to get it fixed. The woman who hit our car was very apologetic and I have to say that we all handled it well. I mean what’s the point in getting mad? She didn’t mean to hit our car and getting mad wasn’t going to change anything. Also, she was very nice, insured and did ask our neighbor if he knew who’s car she had hit.
It sucks, but it could have been worse.
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The Streets of San Francisco
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
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It’s taken me a long long time to realize that it isn’t worth getting angry about these types of things.
Happy Anniversary… I am sorry for the damage but glad it got sorted out easily. With insurance I believe there’s not much hassle. Take care.
Happy Anniversary! So sorry about your car 🙁
“…she was very nice, insured…” good attributes for an accident related encounter.
Hey I was just looking through some of my old postings. (do you ever have time to do that?) Anyway I came across a few of my Sundays in my City shares and wondered does that link button still link. Not only did the link work but you are still running the photo sharing thing – great. So many blog games have folded and been put on the shelf. A few aren’t even on a shelf. I guess their blog remodeling was too extensive. all the best