My everyday life is far from glamorous. I spend 5-6 days a week as a stay-at-home parent. Most days find me hanging with my homies…
finding ways of disguising healthy food into “treats”…
trying to figure out which piles of laundry are dirty and which are clean…
bathing other bodies more often than I bathe my own…
fishing for compliments for all my hard work…
and using baby wipes to clean so much more than babies and their bums.
It is exhausting dirty work. Messiest job I’ve ever had, but it is also quite entertaining. Can you believe that on some days I even get serenades?
I’ve been a parent for a little over four years now and I still don’t consider myself an expert. The everyday challenges sometimes get the best of me and my patience, but I’m always open to learning a different or better way. In my recent tele-conference with Poncho de Anda, I was happy to listen to tips that he and Lina Amashta had to share about dealing with parenting messes and stresses. Some I already know and do, like…
- Have Wipes On Hand. Disposable wipes are crucial in any household with a baby…not just [in] the nursery…use them for everything from diaper changing to dinner clean up…new and improved Huggies Natural Care Wipes are great to clean up little hands and faces after a family meal because they are gentle and fragrance-free for soft baby skin.
And others I know, but still struggle with like…
- Keep order. Having a second child and handling two little ones certainly can be difficult. Being organized is key. Implement schedules to stay organized; before and after the baby. Although at first babies can be unpredictable with their sleeping and feeding schedule, they will eventually adapt to the routine.
I guess maybe I’m being a little hard on myself when it comes to keeping order and being organized. My days are orderly as long as you consider organized chaos orderly. To get more tips on how to deal with the everyday messes and stresses of parenting visit Huggies Latino on Facebook, where you can also learn about their new and improved products.
You’ve seen what a day in my life is like, what’s a day in your life like?
This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
….And one day you will look back on the organized chaos of this time of your life and remember how wonderful it was.
Enjoyed seeing the pictures of your girls. It goes by so quickly, enjoy each moment.
Any day that includes muffins is a gooooood day.
And a star is born!
You all will look back on those days with sighs and smiles! Love the song by Put Pie!
What a wonderful world you live in Mami. Xxxxx
I only had one, then I married a man with TWO. Ho’ boy! That was a real eye-opener. I give you mad props. Amazing job and the serenade was awesome! Love makes the world go round. 🙂
I find myself struggling to keep a routine, sometimes life has other plans and we just have to roll with it. Luckily, kids adapt well 🙂
that’s so true! I have 2 kids in the house, and my baby wipes is a life saver!
🙂 Ah, that was a day in my life some years ago. Now it is very different, with different challenges 😀 Love every single day of my life. Sometimes I find it hard to remember the before-Vidur days. Blessed.
Love you.