I am going to be completely unfiltered me for a second, the me that usually only my closest get to see: I am in some kind of a mood that can only be described as “this country is an over-flowing shit-clogged toilet and I just want to be in bed” mood. Oh, and yes, I love my country that’s why I’m upset that hate is so normalized that radical white terrorists can march in the streets chanting slurs like it’s no big thing.
You guys, the KKK can march without hoods because they seemingly have nothing to fear and that is some truly scary sh!t in my book. How is this even possible in this day and age? It is possible because we all need to see the evil, hear the evil and speak out against the evil; otherwise, we are the evil.
Now, people of color are expected to be vocal about racism and bigotry, but it’s white people that NEED to be shouting the loudest. Why? Because white supremacy benefits all white people regardless of whether they think it’s right or wrong.
Lauren Duca wrote a piece for Teen Vogue, that I highly recommend you read, where she warns people not to dismiss what happened in Charlottesville as the crazy actions of extremists because again, ALL white people benefit from white supremacy.
“The vile hate we saw this weekend is enabled by a far quieter refusal to fight against white supremacy and an accompanying willingness to reap its benefits. You can participate in white supremacy without carrying a tiki torch for racism,” Duca wrote and truer words have never been written.
Yes, we know that not all white people are racist, but since all white people benefit from white supremacy it’s not enough to not be racist. You have to actively and loudly stand in opposition to the hate. Quietly sitting it out may not make you racist, but it makes you a hypocritical ass. (I told you I was going to be unfiltered).
ALSO READ: Your Intention Is Your Power
Through all of this hate and regression, I still believe in the abundance and kindness of the Universe. The haters think that there isn’t enough to go around and so they want to hoard power, privilege and abundance, but it is this hoarding and small-mindedness that will be their downfall. You can’t have abundance if you don’t understand that it’s not abundance if it’s only available to a few.
And now, I will do like I do every Wednesday and make some wishes for myself and others.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
Wishes for myself:
- I want him out, Universe. OUT! He’s not worthy of the office. He’s unfit and downright dangerous. Get him OUT!
Wishes for others:
- Lexie wants our country’s citizens to speak out against hatred and show love. I agree. Every person in this country should be speaking out. Every single person who isn’t speaking out is on the WRONG side. Period end of story. STFU with this “many sides” to it bullsh!t. Speaking out is LOVE, keeping your mouth shut legitimizes the HATE. This sh!t ain’t subtle and your stance against racism shouldn’t be either.
- Taca is in a lottery process to be selected on 8/21. Please let her be one of the lucky ones.
- A job for Laura’s baby daddy would be much appreciated.
- Kristina is game for more work opportunities and travel por please.
- Sharice’s family is in mourning. Send them love, peace and serenity.
- Patty wants her newly minted 5th grader to have the best school year possible.
- Bianca would like a baby and a flush of financial abundance.
- Laura got her wishes!!! Thank you, thank you, thank you. Keep sending her all that she needs and wants.
- Todd’s wish is for an end to the madness.
- Eileen would like you to keep her husband safe as he travels to and from work. Keep him calm, safe and far away from reckless drivers.
- Leslie is yearning for direction and guidance.
- Richard wants to know what he wants. He wants for want, I suppose.
- Ryan is worried about his beloved Sophie. She injured her left back leg about a month ago and is still hoping around on the other three. She won’t put any weight on the injured leg. To make matters worse, Ryan found out from the vet that Sophie has extreme arthritis in her knees and hips even though she is only 6 years old. Help her heal and keep her comfortable. Ryan’s been challenged enough this year. Send him much love and comfort.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
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