Marco Gutierrez the founder of group called Latinos for Trump went on MSNBC Thursday night and proclaimed,
My culture is a very dominant culture. And it’s imposing, and it’s causing problems. If you don’t do something about it, you’re going to have taco trucks on every corner.
I’m pretty sure Gutierrez was trying to use taco trucks on every corner as a scare tactic, but it backfired because most people with taste buds like tacos.
What the hell is wrong with this man and since when have tacos ever been unwelcome anywhere? What’s there not to like about tacos? Why wouldn’t I want to walk to the corner, any corner and get tres de asada?
Clearly, I am not alone in thinking that a future with taco trucks on every corner sounds like heaven with a side of guac because the internet has voted y’all and everyone wants taco trucks to take over every American intersection.
Check out some of the most hilarious #TacosOnEveryCorner tweets that I could find…
Tacos have a higher approval rating than any candidate. #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner 😂😂🌮
— Jeff Barrett (@BarrettAll) September 2, 2016
It's happening. The invasion has begun. #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
(don't have credit for photo)— Rabih Alameddine (@rabihalameddine) September 4, 2016
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#TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner sounds like something we could get on the bandwagon for, tbh
— speak_ (@bevisiblelatinx) September 3, 2016
Registering voters at #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner because we are #StrongerTogether ! @gsanchofl @hfa072016
— Delilah Agho-Otoghile (@delilah_agho) September 2, 2016
Always. #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Jorge R. Gutierrez (@mexopolis) September 2, 2016
#TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner means 3.5 million new food trucks, 63 million jobs, and delicious tacos. I'm cool with it.
— Caitlin Duffy-Ryon (@cait_duffy) September 2, 2016
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Honestly, if a candidate ran on #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner and nothing else, I suspect they would win around 80% of the vote.
— Will McAvoy (@WillMcAvoyACN) September 2, 2016
I normally stay out of political talk on social media, but this is TOO FUNNY! #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Dan Hughes (@DEgan4Baseball) September 2, 2016
Deep down i believe @VP responded to #tacotrucksoneverycorner like this
— Dorsey Shaw (@dorseyshaw) September 2, 2016
.@MarcoGutierrez I cannot wait for taco trucks on every corner! Let's win this election! #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Cristóbal Alex (@CristobalJAlex) September 2, 2016
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Build a wall to keep them here!
🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮🌮#TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner— Brendan (@BrendanMcInnis) September 2, 2016
We, the members of the new Taco Party wing of the Democratic Party, demand #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Sergio Grant (@sgrant525) September 2, 2016
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#TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner sounds like the real American dream to me. FOH.
— Akilah Hughes (@AkilahObviously) September 2, 2016
BRB I just heard there's #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Brett White (@brettwhite) September 2, 2016
Are you craving tacos as much as I am right now?
Can’t say that I’ve ever seen a taco truck irl, but they sound wonderful! 🙂 Just popping by to say hi. Hope this finds you well 🙂
For a Latino he certainly has his priorities backwards if he thinks taco trucks on every corner is a bad idea. I for one think it is a delicious way to create a large amount of new jobs and improve the economy. 😀