Conversation between Unknown Papi and Unknown Mami:
Unknown Mami: I had weird dreams last night. Did you?
Unknown Papi: Not really, they weren’t realistic, but not weird.
Unknown Mami: What do you mean?
Unknown Papi: I mean, I wasn’t fighting aliens with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches.
Unknown Mami: Oh……………………. I’m gonna blog this.
Disclaimer: Unknown Papi would like to make it clear that he was referring to aliens from outer space,
not aliens from other countries.
What? And I thought I had weird dreams….
Bahahaha! Love it!
Y'all crack me up!
Too funny! Is that grape jelly?? We do PB and strawberry jam here!
That totally sounds like a dream that I would have. 🙂
If I was fighting aliens from another country, pb and j would not be my weapon of choice either.
That is too funny! What a hoot! Thanks for the great laugh. May both of your dreams be um… peaceful yet interesting!
Fighting aliens with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches…I got nothing.
PB & J does tend to stick to their antanaes. It works well when they are clustered in groups.
Girl you made me snort on that one, thank God I'm alone. Rick would never let me live that down. Well I guess that would be one sticky situation. What I couldn't help it …hehe
Love it!
Thank you for clarifying. Keep those conversations coming. I'm loving em!
LOL. Love it!!
Unknown Papi is funny like Mami! My dreams are never that exciting or involving food! Have a wonderful Thursday!
I like Unknown Papi! I am the queen of odd dreams and can definitely relate to this conversation.
LOL..aliens from space make for the best dreams…but the worst drivers (-:
Love your conversation!! Too funny!
Big hugs!
B xx
Thank goodness he wasn't fighting aliens with PBandJ.. that would be a waste of a perfectly good sandwich and everyone knows you fight them with plain old water…
Well, since you live in CA and NOT AZ, I naturally thought outer space aliens.
Now…..if in AZ, I could imagine the dream being different.
Do our troups in Afghanastan know about the Peanut butter and Jelly defense?
Next time I need to fight of some aliens, I will remember the PB&J!
Fighting off aliens with a PBnJ sarnie …no, not weird at all! Q_Q Did cheese or even alcohol feature anywhere in the proceedings last night by any chance? 😀
Okay, so I'm picturing him fighting off aliens with pb&J sandwiches while on his skateboard in the DMV parking lot. 🙂
I wouldn't fight the aliens from outerspace with PB&J either. I would fight them with extra large pizzas!! And try not to take too many bites before I blasted them with the pizzas.
PB&J is too precious a commodity, not to mention a major food group, to use as a weapon. I think that fire always got the aliens in the old movies, or maybe that was monsters like The Blob.
Speaking of monsters, read this in case you missed it on Twitter
That's funny! That PB&J sandwich looks yummy.
Now I want a PB&J samich…
That's an awesome dream!
Now I want some pb&j.
I believe AZ should have considered the PB and J approach. Perhaps they were concerned about allergies.
lol, either way…he fights with peanut butter?
unknown papi must make one hell of a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Hilarious! And now I want a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
I bet I'm fighting aliens (both kinds) with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches in my dreams tonight now.
So are aliens allergic to peanuts? Is that the secret? That means we have lots of aliens here on earth.
what is scarier – a space alien or a peanut butter jelly sandwich?
– a space alien that looks like peanut butter and jelly mixed together – I have seen them on the shelves of supermarkets in jars – very scary.
fun dreams,
love your sense of humor!
OK, now the question becomes…who had the peanut butter and jellies….him….or the aliens? 😉
Does he love or hate that everything goes on the blog?!
How great is that guy?
And that dream?
That is one pretty darn fantastic dream 🙂
Well, thank goodness for that. My sister told me about a dream she had last night in which she was changing a baby boy's diaper, only to find that instead of a penis, he had a third leg! She had a hell of a time trying to figure out how to put his pajamas (2-legged kind) on! Dreams are so awesome.
Darn! Did you know after your post, all of a sudden the sales of peanut butter and jelly went way up in Arizona?! 😉
Too funny. I love his ummmm random selection of a “weird” dream that he didn't have. shall we assume he had it at some point, just not that night?
What, PBJ anti-alien systems aren't the first thing you think of when someone yells invasion? For shame.
Papi must have gone to bed hungry!
Hahaha! Glad he clarified for us! Too funny!
You are so funny. Love your conversations with Papi!
LOL!!!! Thats just awesome. Hahahahaha. I had a dream last night that I was pregnant with an alien baby. Hmm maybe I should stop watching V. Again…too funny! I thought my hubby was the only one that came up with funny crap like that
LOL!!! That is hysterical!
I love dreams like that!!
Maybe that should be his Halloween costume! He could be Super Skateboarder and his weapon of choice could be PB&J's. His tagline could be, “Make sandwiches, not war.” Okay, I might have gotten a little carried away there.
Not everything makes it into the blog…wink…wink. He has now taken to ending conversations with, “Are you gonna blog that?” I told him he needs to get his own blog.
Just like the sale of Arizona-shaped piñatas?
OMG! When the original V first came out, I used to have dreams about having alien babies.
Hilarious!!! I always have weird dreams too.…
tag game,
it could be considered as an award.
have fun playing!
What a visual! Here take that! and that!
ha ha – Jelly on your face!
I'm always fighting aliens with peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. It's kinda messy.
Funny photo of the jumping bunny guy.
I liked Cher better pre-chopped and plasticized.
Funny photo of the jumping bunny guy.
I liked Cher better pre-chopped and plasticized.