Are you aware that on December 14, 2012, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, is hitting theatres? Directed by Peter Jackson, based on The Hobbit by J. R. R. Tolkien, and adapted for the screen by Fran Walsh, Philippa Boyens, Peter Jackson, and Guillermo del Toro. I’m thinkin’ if you liked the book, if you’re into […]
Top 10 Black Friday Tips (Fragmented Fridays)
I couldn’t decide whether to make this post half-off or two-for-one in honor of Black Friday. Faced with such a dilemma I thought, Screw it, I’ll just give it away for free! That’s right folks this post is 100% off. What’s that you say, I always give away my posts for free? Yes, I know, […]
Hand Turkey
Which do you like better? Give me a hand, Turkey! or Give me a hand-turkey! Here’s my hand, Turkey! or Here’s my hand-turkey! Either way, may you have many things to be grateful for now and always. Are you wondering if I just called you a Turkey?
DIY Kids’ Table with Chalkboard Paint
The holidays are amongst us and we’re having company for dinner. We realized we don’t have enough chairs (or space) for everyone at our table. At least not enough grown-up sized chairs, but we do have enough space for everyone if we bring in a $20 kids’ table and chair set normally used for crafts. […]
Beautifying a Discarded Piece of Furniture with Wood Stain
It is possible that I am feeling a tad discarded. Oh don’t worry, I’ll be fine. It’s also possible I am being a tad melodramatic. Still, the feeling of being discarded is there and I remind myself that discarded items can be perfectly useful. One day, while driving up one of the many hills in […]
Can’t Fail Café
Rudy’s Can’t Fail Café Emeryville, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts […]
Do You Believe in Magic? (Fragmented Fridays)
As I sat watching Magic Jeanne perform to an audience of children still young enough to whole heartedly believe in magic, I realized that I myself still believe in magic. Do you? And I’m not talking about just the kind of magic that is created with slight of hand tricks. I mean honest to goodness […]
3 Easy Ways to Give to Charity
It is important in our everyday life to notice and be grateful for all that we have. Being grateful is empowering and makes you focus on what you have instead of what you don’t have. When you are grateful for what you have, you come to realize that you always ALWAYS have something to give, […]
On My Feet
The rumors are true… there are grown women who wear Crocs. Say what you will, they are super comfy.
Tillamook Yogurt: Another Reason to Love San Francisco
You already know I love me some San Francisco. The reasons are many, but a few include: The weather The Golden Gate Bridge The eclectic whacky residents Tillamook Yogurt What’s that, you don’t understand why Tillamook Yogurt made the list? Let me explain. Surely you have heard of Tillamook cheeses. I absolutely love their Extra […]