Random photos…Shall we say they are fragmented?…that never made it into a post, now have their moment on the front page. And now your Friday Fortune Cookie (don’t forget to add “in bed” at the end, if you are so inclined): “I have to be […]
Baking Broken Bits of Crayons
There are broken bits of crayons littering every corner of my home. Until they make unbreakable crayons or my kids get beyond the age of coloring, I’m sure there will continue to be an abundance of broken bits of crayons. Fortunately, those broken bits can be made whole again in a few easy steps. 1. […]
Post Blackout Blues
From 8am to 8pm on 1/18/12, the plan was for this site to go dark in protest to SOPA and PIPA and dark it went. And then 8pm rolled around and it stayed dark. WTH? I used the Simple Stop Sopa Plugin and it was supposed to do everything for me. Simple, right? It was […]
Blackout on 1/18/2012
Tomorrow UnknownMami.com will be joining websites such as MoveOn.org, Wikipedia, and Reddit by going dark as a protest against the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) in the U.S. House of Representatives and the Protect Intellectual Property Act (PIPA) in the Senate. I’m all for sopa like my nana used to make, but SOPA makes me […]
The Big Reveal
For almost 3 years I’ve been blogging with a paper bag over my head. I have revealed myself and bits and pieces of my family through my writing, but I’ve never given you a good look at our faces. Until today! This is what we look like in knit. Pictures were “knit” with Knitted Cam […]
Sundays In My City
I live in a 3-story building with a wooden staircase in the back. If I step out of my back door and go up one landing, this is what I see. San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it!If you […]
Fragmented Fridays
Sometimes I crack myself up. A friend on FaceBook complained that she got sexually harassed by a guy on there, I responded… Last week I go to the library with my two kids for storytime and as I’m settling in and the librarian starts addressing the kids I hear music playing and I’m thinking… WTF?! […]
Room for Interpretation
I signed Put Pie, my three-year-old, up for a dance class. Being a lover of footwear, the very first thing she asked was what kind of shoes would she be wearing. I told her that she would be taking the class in her bare feet. Excitedly she ran to her room and came back wearing […]
Ride to Nowhere
Remember that song by Talking Heads? My adaptation goes something like this: I’m on a ride to nowhere Ridin’ inside Peddlin’ my bike to nowhere I’ll take that ride The inspiration for my version is this stationary bike: This Body Flex-X Bike-XRB 100 came into my life late last year. At the time I was […]
BabySignLanguage.com Giveaway
When Put Pie was a few months old, I started using sign language with her. I found videos at the library, looked up signs online, and looked on youtube. I picked words that we used regularly like: more, eat, milk, dog, flower, tree, bird, socks, and shoes. The very first sign that she did was […]