I’ll give you one guess as to who is embracing having become a soccer mom? Yup, it would be me. That’s me eldest playing and I have to say it’s fun watching her and her teammates give it their all every Saturday for their game. The games are on Saturday, but I’m sharing for Sundays In My City ‘cause I’m a proud soccer mom. Woo hoo!
San Francisco, CA
ALSO READ: Olympic Birthday Celebration (Sundays In My City)
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the world, but lets you visit other parts of the world virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
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Laurie Matherne says
Futbol/Soccer is the choice I would have made if I had children. Go girls!
Star Traci says
I love it! You are the coolest of soccer moms.
Vidya Sury says
Love the photos. How quickly they grow! Enjoy every moment, Claudya.
By the way – I posted the book cover on my blog. Also, the ebook will be on Amazon when it is ready, with each contributor listed as an author. Hugs! Thank you for being a part of it!
deborahpucci says
Looks like fun and great exercise!