My name is Claudya and I am my mother’s daughter.
My mother was born in Mexicali, Mexico. I am 38 years old so I can say with a certain amount of certainty that my mother has lived in this country for at least 38 years, more I’m sure, but I can only attest to 38. She speaks English with some success, but she has a thick accent that makes many who are not used to letting an accent wash over them and soak in have a hard time understanding her.
I always understand my mother because I know how she speaks in Spanish so I can make the leaps sometimes necessary to get to where she is going in English. Even though I am fine with her having an accent and her creative use of the English language there are some things I will never get used to.
When she says, “Eat esmells like a fark een here!” people around her are left wondering what the hell she is talking about. This is when I usually say, “FART, Ama! It’s FART, not farK!” She ignores me and goes on to say, “Did SHE fark?” referring to my husband, “Mama, HE did not FART. We know it was you. Can you please stop FARTing and blaming it on other people? And HE is a HE not a SHE!”
The flip side of my mother’s English language skills it that she does not always understand things. She misses nuances. One year she sent me a card just to let me know that she was missing me. It was a very sweet and appropriate card, if I was her LOVER!
The card had a picture of a woman on the beach.
On the outside it said, “I miss you with all my heart…”
And on the inside, “…and with every other part of my body you have ever touched.”
Ugh! With her womb? Did she miss me with her womb? This was not the type of card you send to a daughter.
When I called to let her know I had gotten the card, she was all excited and asked me if I thought it was nice. When I explained to her in Spanish what the card was actually intimating, her feelings got hurt and I wished I had just said thank you.
Some things get lost in translation, but the love never does.
ALSO READ: Second-Hand Farts
That is such a funny story and really quite touching as well.
You have a wonderful mother! I think that card is very thoughtful! It is the thought that counts, right? And, I almost spit out my tea when I read that line "Eat esmells like a fark een here!" LOL! :)Hugs!!
So funny!
I kind of miss my children with my womb when I'm not with them. I think it would be real nice if Hallmark would make a card so that I could express that. I think the thirteen year old would like that a lot. They're sentimental like that at that age. Plus they really love thinking about their mother's internal sex organs. Yep. there oughtta be a card.
Love the story about the card she sent you. So sweet..she meant the best.
Holy crap! That was hilarious!I have my own mom-card stories: Since she has never been great in the English language, she'd always go to hallmark, or other card stores to write down other card contents, so that she write in a card she would be giving to someone. Hispanic moms are so adorably funny.
LOL…tidarse peos! That is really funny.
Oops, that was supposed to read tirarse un peo! You get it though.
I literally Laughed Out Loud at "With her womb? Did she miss me with her womb?" I'm actually laughing all over again just typing that.
too funny about the "touchy" card 😀
Thank you for making me laugh out loud today!
HAHAHAHAHAHA! I AM your mother! Poor little Leila…
You must have some WONDERFUL stories tucked away of your mother. I hope you continue to share them, because this one was hilarious and touching at the same time!
I love that!!!! LOL, your mom sounds so colorful! I hope you share more stories too because this was just so *awwwww* and hilarious at the same time! Reminds me of a quick story from my side… I was on a date with a "boyfriend" and the restaurant was so loud, but me being deaf and him being hearing, I did not realize that. I was trying to tell the jerk that "I was embarrassed" and he gave me a blank look. I said again, "EMBARRASSED!" and he looked so startled, then looked at his watch and said allright, let's go? and I was left thinking… huh? What? Go where? He said "Didn't you say, "let's get married'?"Hell no.
"LMFAO"!!!!Sounds like you live my life. Ha!! "My Mom talks the same way". LOL!!! ("But I Love her and hope I grow up to be just like her".) :0)Thanx for stopping by my page and for leaving a comment Amiga!~Amor, Familia Y Cultura~ Betty
OK, she sounds so cute!
aye, aye, aye Chica, I laughed so hard my side hurt…I can totally relate. Both of grandma's had really thick accents; not sure why they were both from Texas. Maybe because Texas was once Mexico,hmm? My Grandma use to tell my Grandpa to take us kids to McDoughna's, she really meant McDonalds.Smooches,Sassy Chica
LOL. Oh. I needed that. This was wonderful. I shared it with my husband and he laughed too. Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
ROFLAMO about the "fark"…funny story, I speak well, and often am asked to translate. One trip to a Mexican Dentist my ex asked me to translate.I walked to the back listened very carefully. I turned to him and asked, That was English, so exactly what am I translating? *giggles*
hi, i came over from Helen's blog (now on yours too). we have family members and friends who have these things happen to, language and cultural stuff has so many nuisances to it that it's easy to get lost in translation.
Sounds like she is a beautiful lady despite the language barrier.
That is hilarious! You mom is so cute. My mom calls me all the time and asks me how to spell words..oh, and sometimes she tells me a word in English and it takes me at least 10 minutes to figure out what she is trying to tell me. Oh, and the funny thing about cards, she sometimes calls me and read the card to me before she gives it to someone 🙂 Gotta love moms 🙂
LOL. Great entry for WW. My mother is Swedish and has been in this country since 1973. Some things do get lost in translation. I understand her because I am used to it all, others are not, and I have to correct them. It's fun, but she does get upset when we all make fun of her. We are not mean about it though. It's just really cute when your dogs name is "Chief" and she calls him "Shief". Take care.-Kiki
Oh goodness. That card is a riot! Bahahahahaha!Thanks for visiting me!
Lovely post! I worked with a woman who was from Austria. She used to say she was "all out of space"…when she was feeling spaced out.Also, she said, "all of a certain" instead of "all of a sudden". The one phrase she always got right was, "kiss my butt", said in her heavy German accent. She was so cute!
Awww that card was too funny!! At least she meant well. It reminds me of one I sent to my husband while he was deployed. It said "there are 500 (can't remember the number) bones in the body" and when you open it up, it said "and I can't wait to jump every one of yours" It took him a minute to figure out lol.
I love this post:) You captured your moms accent beautifully!!! I pictured the whole scene in my head:) I love the card what can you do, love her and cherish her always!!!xoxoxoMs. Wanda
Love it. Every funny, wise, warm word.
So funny! I got a good chuckle out of that one. Thanks.
That's hilarious!! Love the card. And I'm sure she missed you with her womb very very much! 🙂
That's so funny! Our first language is French so my mom's English is similar to your mom's. She wrote a note to me the other day saying "Your room is durty!" … Yes, mom, my room is DIRTY.
This is so funny. I love it. Your mom and I would make quite the combo. I have a very thick Texan accent. She wouldn't understand me, I wouldn't understand her, but I bet we would have fun.I wish I could speak Spanish (big sigh).Thanks for stopping by.
What a great post! That card was just too funny. Hey, she loves you and misses you though 🙂 Thanks for coming by my blog.
This is so funny! I love it. A card from your mother suitable for a lover. Not everyone can say that!
Great post – the card story made my day.Now I wish my mother taught me her native tongue – Slovenian. She never did.Oh what's the word for fart in Spanish? You never know I might need to know some day. You know the frijoles and the cervezas.
I love this story, I'm sure she thought the pic of the beautiful woman was you…
What an awesome post-I love it! I'll bet you have years of blog fodder in your mother! 🙂
Oh Mami! That is the funniest story I've read yet! Your mom sounds priceless – in a good way! She sounds like she'd be so much fun to be around! 🙂
Your mom is priceless! My mom only speaks English and yet can't get it right. The other day she said "give me a boner" when she meant to say "throw me a bone."Love her!
LOL this is great! Thanks for sharing!! 🙂
Kind of gives the game 'Farkle' on facebook a whole new meaning.By the way, you are more than welcome to my garage casino when it takes off the ground.
My wife and I have hundreds of Teddy Bears in the house and they are the one that always "Fark"
Great post….I can just hear that FARK chat! Sounded like a sitcom scene. I find that type of booboo charming.
I would never want to have to learn English as a second language and I admire those that try.
Hey Unknown Mami – great post!! There are so many examples of these translation issues – the more cultures come together and we become a global village!!!I posted recently about the English misunderstandings I have living in Ghana as an expat.. but it's amazing that they happen right in the same family too!!!Great blog! 🙂
That is hilarous! Now you have something to laugh for years about oer and over 🙂
Oh my gosh, that is so funny!
Hilarious!!! I can't believe you blamed eh fark on your momma! haha.
I couldn't help but laugh and smile on this one. I didn't realize how weird the english language was until my son started talking. Then I realized that certain words and spellings don't make sense.
I like your blog and will be following you! 🙂
I've been writing in this workshop too for the last two weeks. I'm wrestling with my current post right NOW.
Happy SITS Day. Great post.
I think sometimes we don't get the full message when we read it in English either. Moms are so tricky.
Oh I LOVE it! That is one of the most hilarious posts that I've ever read! Thanks for starting my day out with a good laugh.
Oh my goodness, that's hilarious! Thank you for sharing!
Love it! And I do so sympathise with your mother, who probably found it hard to learn another language (like me!).
Your mother sounds like a wonderful person. What a touching and funny post, it really made my day and makes me want to call my mom!
It's funny how our mother's love us. Great post!!
Oh that's sweet – love never does.
OMG, that is hysterical. I have four boys so there is always a LOT of farking going on at our house. Now I have a funny name to call it. :o) Stopping by via SITS. Thanks for the laugh this morning!
I think I love your mom!! I bet she has a great sense of humor! To blame the farts on your dad? Priceless!
Oh! forgot to mention, visiting from SITS!
That was hilarious! Whenever someone farts around here my son goes “so and so pooped”! Kind of the same??
Awww that is sweet, in a very hilarious sort of way. lol. Stopping over from SITS. You are great witty writer, I'm looking forward to reading some of your other posts!!
Hee, hee! That card is hilarious! Does she miss me with her womb? HA!
Happy SITS Day! I love the story about your mother. It is very cute, you and your mom sound like very interesting people. I enjoyed this post very much.
Your mother is a gem! Happy SITS day!
How sweet! You're right, it's so much about the thought behind it. Not necessarily the literal translation! Happy SITS Day to you!
Love this story! I can appreciate it having just lived in Spain for a year, and I am sure I made similar bumbling stumbling mistakes. I tried though. I was able to laugh at myself a lot and hope my Spanish friends were too.
That's one of the things I blog about. The travails of traveling and living abroad. Now, I can find the humor in it, though at the time, there were occasions I just wanted to pull my hair out!
Adios! Me gusta su blog.
I love this post. Especially the last line…very true. My husband has a thick accent but speaks and reads and writes English fluently. There are still some lost in translation moments, after all these years (including that he also gets the he and she thing mixed up sometimes) but since love is a universal language, we work through it.
That is too funny about the card!! What a cute story!
That's funny! She must get so frustrated sometimes…It provides good fodder for your blog, though.
I would like to hear more about your awesome mom. This was hilarious and endearing. Congrats on your SITS day!
Heehee – well it's the thought that counts. Very funny about the fark!
Very touching! I enjoyed reading this and your other posts as well
Oh my goodness!
Awww!!! that is so sweet…and the card is hilarious!!! You're so right…the love is never lost in translation!!
LOL! This reminds me of my grandmother, who is also Mexican. And my Hubby! 😛 I wonder if my kids are going to sound like this, now that they're learning English!?
hahaahahahaah!!! Oh man. I am so going to start using the word “fark”.
Oh man, you did it. You made me laugh out loud, and I'm a tough audience. (Not at the theater, mind you — I'm considerate that way.) So now I have to follow you. Truth be told, I'd have done it based solely on your photo bag head or the baby's bag head, or your motto. Shell was right — you ARE funny.
Very touching.
HaHa! “Did she miss me with her womb?” Hilarious! I have Peruvian in-laws. Like you, I can understand them because I know Spanish, but some of the little differences are a riot. Glad to have found your blog =)
OMG You just made me laugh so hard! I have NEVER laughed so hard! Thanks for that. You're the best!
That is hysterical!!! Oh, what fun I would have with a momma like that! And eeewww, the card! Did she miss you with her womb!!!! I think I've found a new blogger friend.
Lovey our mom! Mom's are the best. Love your sense of humor. Thanks for sharing.
Oh the stories we could tell about our families. This really was a funny story and sweet. Things often get lost in translation even when we speak the same language. Great post.
I am laughing so hard right now, I am worried I will wake the baby. And the dog is giving me a concerned look. Parents are hilarious anyway, but this takes the cake.
Stopping by from SITS!
I am laughing so hard, I am worried that I might wake the baby. And the dog is giving me a very concerned look. Parents are hilarious anyway, but this takes the cake!
Stopping by from SITS!
Your mom sounds adorable, awesome, and like someone I would want to know. I love that she sent you that card! So cute 🙂
Congrats on your SITS Day!! This cracked me up!!
“fark” lol
“Some things get lost in translation, but the love never does.” – what a beautiful sentiment.
Ah, this is so funny! I once sent my best girlfriend the wrong e-card for Valentine's day. We got a good laugh out of that one.
You are hysterical. I am so glad to have found your blog through SITS.
This is such a sweet story! My husband's mother is much the same way with a very thick Korean accent. I'm getting better at understanding her every time I talk to her, but she still says the cutest things sometimes 🙂
HILARIOUS!!! I am sure that you have many Mama stories. Love it!
Haha! Love it! 😀
I'm trying to visit you, but the link you left on my blog doesn't work. What's your url?
I love this story. Living a bilingual life makes for truly interesting interactions, I too, know something about it. You said it beautifully – “to let an accent wash over and soak in” is a skill. Kudos to all who make that effort!
Visiting from SITS. Congratulations on your feature!
Oh my gosh that card is fall down funny from your mom!