You never know what is going to come out of a toddler’s mouth. My 3 year old can say some of the most beautiful poetic things to me, the sort of words that bring me to tears because I can’t believe that someone so young can formulate something so amazing, so deep and so loving. But again, she’s a toddler, so you never know what she’s going to bust out with. Although, if we are in public you better believe that chances are she is going to say something at the top of her lungs that I would rather she didn’t like the time she announced to everyone at Ross that I have really big chichis.
Yup, we were standing in line waiting to pay for something or other, my husband and I willing the cashiers to go as fast as possible as we periodically tell our daughters to stop doing something or leave each other alone when my husband spots a random brassiere tossed among the impulse items placed on our path to the registers. He picks it up and shows it to my youngest, Luna Pie, and asks her if it’s something he should buy for himself. She says, “No, you don’t have chichis!” Then in a crystal clear booming voice that carries throughout the store, she continues, “Mami has chichis. Mami has REALLY BIG BIG CHICHIS.” My husband laughed and agreed with her. And I know everyone else heard too because they chuckled and couldn’t help glancing at my bosom.
All I could do was laugh and tell my husband never to point out a bra to her when we are in a store. What the hell was he thinking?!
Good story to remember. If we all could just think of body parts like 3 yr. olds. Our youngest at about that age (more that 2 decades ago now) stated that moms wear bras and dads wear ties. Of course we also wear more clothing than that.
Good to know you wore more clothing than that.
You had me laughing at the tag line, great story! We’ve been having a lot of discussions about differing anatomy lately. Luckily not in public.. Yet.
Well, those public conversations are coming. And how is it that children have these incredibly loud booming voices at times without even trying?
jajaja, how could keep a straight face after that? Luckily, panties weren’t there with the bra.
That’s really funny!