I’m writing this while in bed with a belly full of yummy food that was served to me by my loving family because it’s Mother’s Day and I’m a mother! I’ll be spending the entire day at home being lazy, but in my imagination, I will be delivering virtual flowers to all the mothers in […]
Week 7 of My Shelter in Place Travels
San Francisco first asked residents to shelter in place starting on March 17. My daughters and I had already unofficially been doing so for five days prior to that request. When my husband joined us on March 17, I found it comforting to have our whole family together and as safe as possible at home. […]
Week 6 of My Shelter in Place Travels
We have been sheltering in place in San Francisco for 6-ish weeks now. During this time of staying at home to help slow the spread of coronavirus, I’ve been doing what I call shelter in place travels. Basically, I use my imagination and photo editing apps to travel to different locations without actually leaving my […]
Netflix Called My Husband ‘Papa Farts’ in an Email
Sometimes you don’t even know how badly you need a laugh until you get a good laugh in and end up feeling all refreshed and rejuvenated. That’s what happened to me today when my husband forwarded me an email he got from Netflix that addressed him as Papa Farts. The exact subject line of the […]
Week 5 of My Shelter in Place Travels
Greetings from San Francisco where we have been sheltering in place for over a month now. Schools here are closed for the rest of the school year and my daughters have started their distance learning routines. My husband hasn’t returned to work. I continue to work from home and when I have a bit of […]