Hola Chulas y Chulos! How ya doin’? My chancla and I are over here laughing our pompis off at this video of Jennifer Lopez and James Corden taking dance lessons from toddlers. It’s like “ay qué cute” and “ay qué funny” at the same time. The Toddlerography piece with JLo aired as part of “The […]
Focus on What You Want (Wednesday Wishes)
The Universe and I have a standing date each week wherein I write down what I would like the Universe to send my way and the way of others who have been courageous enough to share their wishes with me. I know there are people who are like, “OMG, wishing doesn’t do a damn thing. […]
Getting Older Does NOT Suck (Sundays In My City)
Hey guess what? I’m getting older just like humans do. This weekend I celebrated my 46th birthday. I spent the day with the ones who love me the most: my daughters and my husband. I wore a beautiful dress that was sent to me by someone else who loves me very much: my mother. The […]
Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera on Netflix (The Flying Chancla Report)
My name is Claudya Martinez, I have a chancla that I am not afraid to use and I am a Netflix binge-a-holic who is about to pee her chonies in excitement over the possibility of being able to binge-watch a series about Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera. Say QUÉ? Well, chisme on the internet has […]
Abundance Begets Abundance (Wednesday Wishes)
via GIPHYI’m in a wishing kind of mood. How ’bout you, Boo! Come on, wish with me. The Universe is totally taking requests, put yours in. Also, you can wish for anything and everything you want as often as you like. It beats worrying, which is really just praying for what you don’t want, don’t […]