San Francisco first asked residents to shelter in place starting on March 17. My daughters and I had already unofficially been doing so for five days prior to that request. When my husband joined us on March 17, I found it comforting to have our whole family together and as safe as possible at home. I even started doing a whole #shelterinplacetravels series where I use my imagination and photo editing apps to travel anywhere I want to without actually leaving my home.
This past week, however, we have tentatively been stepping outside of the home because we’re human, and moving our bodies in the sun makes us feel a lot more human than staying inside of our lower level flat that gets minimal natural light.
It used to be that stepping outside of our home for a quick walk was no big deal. We’d put on our shoes and go. Nowadays, we have to make sure that we each have a face mask to wear before heading out and that we aren’t hungry or thirsty or in danger of needing to use a restroom any time soon because grabbing a “quick” bite or drink will be a whole process and forget about trying to find a public restroom to use. Then there’s the whole stripping and cleaning process that happens once we get home.
I love going for walks, it’s my favorite form of exercise and I also fell in love with my husband over the course of many walks together. Walking has always felt wonderful to me until now. Now, with a pandemic that is not over, going for a walk feels more dangerous than I would like it to feel. Am I being paranoid? Maybe. But stepping outside our home during a pandemic feels hazardous to our health, which might be why …
On Day 43, of sheltering in place, I felt like I was just winging it.
Shelter in Place Travels
San Francisco, CA
ALSO READ: Week 6 of My Shelter in Place Travels
I showed you mine, now show me yours.
Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography hop that lets you share your part of the world and lets you travel virtually. If you link up, please link back or post the Sundays In My City button either in your post or sidebar to let people know that other bloggers are sharing their communities too. Happy trails!
Hey lovely… hope you are all keeping well. I don’t see the linky tool?
I can’t get it to work lately! It’s driving me crazy.