I came across the pancake work of Kevin Blankenship via the Instagram blog. Kevin is a writer, producer, cartoonist, and father of two. On the weekends he makes pancakes for his sons, which wouldn’t be such a big deal except that he doesn’t make plain round pancakes, no way José. He is an artist and on the weekends his medium is pancake batter.
Check out some of his edible masterpieces:
ALSO READ: Alicias Delicias Mexicookies Are Edible Art
What do you think of this man’s batter skillz?
Image via kevin_blankenship/Instagram
I’m doing well to get a pancake done on the inside without burning the outside! I am impressed, I can’t figure out how he does it.
I believe he thins out the batter and uses condiment bottles for control.
Holy cow! Those are amazing. I don’t even like pancakes but those are awesome. That is talent, times 100.
His Instagram feed is pretty mind-blowing.
Batter up! I wish he were making pankcakes for moi! I think I could eat a stack of Star War characters this weekend. Beautiful stuff.
He does some awesome pancakes, thanks for sharing!