Let me begin by kissing some Tina Fey pompis and say that I love the woman. I think she is smart, funny and all kinds of wonderful.
OK, now that that’s over, I can criticize the heck out of her for not being able to name 20 Latino performers in 60 seconds without being seeming like a jerk, right? Because I am a jerk, but I don’t want to seem like one. I’m kinda kidding.
Here’s what happened: Tina Fey was on the season 4 premiere of “Billy on the Street”: a fast-paced pop culture game show hosted by comedian Billy Eichner. Her challenge was to play “LaTina Fey” (get it?) wherein she pretends to be accepting an Academy Award and she has to thank 20 Latino performers.
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How did Tina do? Well, you can watch for yourself below, but let’s just say she failed miserably and even named Lou Diamond Phillips, but the thing is he is’t Latino—although he has played Latinos in movies. Oopsy! I ain’t mad at Tina Fey though we don’t live in a society where Latino performers come trippingly off the tongue of most. I will say that I bet you if a Latino performer had been stopped and asked to name 20 non-Latino performers in 60 seconds they probably would have been able to do it.
Now, watch Tina Fey fail and show the world that she needs to hang out with more Latino performers or at the very least learn Gina Rodriguez’s name, which is not, “Um, the woman from ‘Jane the Virgin’” because that would be a stupid name.
Now here’s what I really want to know…Can you name 20 Latino performers in 60 seconds? Go on get a timer and try. I’ll wait.
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Image via Billy On The Street/YouTube
I believe I could do it but not in 60 seconds.