- Get up before I want to.
- Get ready for work.
- Go to work even though my daughter is sick and I’d rather stay with her.
- Go VOTE during lunch break.
- Proudly wear my “I Voted! Ya Vote!” sticker.
- Write blog post reminding people to VOTE.
- Do whatever the heck I want because I voted and that was really the only important thing on the list.
Wait. You’re working again??
Yay for voting!!! : )
Thank you for your sweet comment on my post today, btw. 🙂
I work outside the home one to two days a week and have been doing so the whole time I’ve had this blog. I just don’t write about it much. I work on the days my husband has off so that he can take care of our daughter. My “main” job used to be from home, but that contract ended in July so now I’m down to one part time job and taking care of my daughter days a week.
What a list, well except for getting up too early and having a sick baby. But voting rocks! I hope she feels better soon!
I had a list of places to go and things to get done today too. Crossed voting off my list on the way back home.
Yea for voting….and what’s the story on going to work. I did a mail-in ballot a couple of weeks ago.
I work outside the home one to two days a week, I just don’t write about it much. My main job used to be working from home, but I lost the contract.
got my sticker! use that voice!
You did your civic duty! Now just have to wait for the results of the endless Propositions!
Hooray for voting….
I hope your little one is feeling better tonight.
You go woman! Yay for voting.
I hope you and your daughter get some rest tonight and she is feeling better.
Yippie for voting! You rock mami:)
You get your vote on guuuuurrrrl!! I got my vote on too! Voting should be on everyones “to do” list!
Sounds like a pretty important to do list. 🙂
You forgot to put on the list “eat some ice cream!” You deserve it!
hoping your little one feels better soon!! always great to go and vote!
At least you know Put Pie is being well looked after by Dad, hope she feels better soon.
Here in Australia we have compulsory voting, so when we say “don’t forget to vote!” it’s because you’ll be fined if you haven’t!
You are right. #7 really should be #1.
I voted too. Although I am in Mass where almost everyone elected was a Dem. Boo!
Yay! I’m a big believer in voting. If you are eligible, there is just no excuse not to vote. Now, I am off to check out the results…according to our local news last night you Cali folks were voting on some Prop about marijuana that had the potential to put a lot of illegal grow-ops up here out of business. – G
Awww so sorry Put Pie isn’t feeling well. That’s been our life for the last week. Fingers crossed she’s feeling better soon.
I’m curious, as I’ve never seen it before. The stickers they hand out by us simply say “I Voted” – do the ones by you say both “I Voted” and “Yo Vote”? It’s always interesting to me how things are different in different parts of the country! Yay to you for voting 🙂
Yup, the voting stickers they give out here are in English and Spanish.
I voted. I feel from the results like I didn’t…but I did!!!
You got a job?! That is fantastic!
No this is a job I’ve always had, but don’t really write about. I’ll do a post explaining later.
No this is a job I’ve always had, but don’t really write about. I’ll do a post explaining later.
No this is a job I’ve always had, but don’t really write about. I’ll do a post explaining later.
I agree about promoting voting. There was some close elections and each vote does count.
I read a good slogan, “vote now, complain later”.
I think the best thing to happen in Illinois is early voting. Do they have that in CA? It allows you to schedule your voting time better. I noticed Facebook had lots of discussion and posting going on about voting yesterday which was nice to see.
I don’t understand your politics that well and voting mid term I don’t understand at all.
What ever the system, politicians need time to fix and change things. What I understand now is that Obama has not had enough time and opposition is getting more power. Correct?
If correct it means that you’ll have more problems because it will be difficult to make decisions.
Now I must check the news…….
Hopefully you get better news than we do. Our news is more about generating excitement about he-said-she-said and scandal than any issues. You are right about the opposition to Obama, they took over the House. Obama’s party still has the executive branch and a marginally lead in the Senate. His election comes up in 2012.
Hopefully you get better news than we do. Our news is more about generating excitement about he-said-she-said and scandal than any issues. You are right about the opposition to Obama, they took over the House. Obama’s party still has the executive branch and a marginally lead in the Senate. His election comes up in 2012.
“I don’t understand your politics that well . . .”
Don’t worry, nobody does.
Heeeehehehe! That’s exactly what I did after I came home yesterday. For some strange reason votin’ just takes it out of a body….or maybe it was that steer (bum male cow) that ran right into my chest yesterday! Yep, true story….and that ain’t no ‘bull’!!!
God bless ya and have a incredible day sweetie!!! :o)
Ouch! I hope you are okay.
I voted!!! Voting is such a wonderful privilege. I feel really bad for the people who don’t take advantage of it.
I votes and I am proud to be an American.
Nice list, Mami. Especially #7.