Two of a kind.
San Francisco, CA.
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Beautiful twos!
Happy Sunday!
Are they trying to hug each other or strangle each other 🙂 Probably both depending on the minute!
I love twos!!!
I was wondering the same thing as Dorothy. I hope they were telling fun secrets to each other.
Too sweet!
I am always amazed at your ability to find meaningful and happy shots of your children without showing their faces. Cute.
Time for a bundle!
Those are such beautiful colors and such a neat picture! It’s too darned hot to go out here! I will just enjoy yours!
I’m guessing either hide-n-go-seek or duck Mommy is taking a another blog picture.
Oh, I LOOOOVE the pics!
Sweet pictures….have a great week!
I just love your girls. I have a good mind to add one of those pictures to a collage I am making, to print and show off on my wall at home. God bless them. 🙂 Love you, Claudya. By the way, the Fox video has gone viral in our circles 😀
I love that silly fox video.
your girls are so cute. Two is surely the magic number 🙂
Love this post. Love it.