I am writing this WAY past my bedtime. Don’t laugh, I have a very early bedtime. Even though it is incredibly tempting to hit the hay for the day, I have got to get my wishes for the week done because I know the Universe is waiting on my desires to set things in motion.
I think you should join me because the Universe is waiting on your desires too.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
For myself:
- I did something BIG in my online life! I switched from blogging on UnknownMami.com to blogging at this new domain with a new blog name: By Claudya. I moved all of the contents from Unknown Mami over and did the entire transfer myself, which was not easy for someone who doesn’t know what she is doing. Miraculously, everything seems to be working (knock on madera). Universe, please help me have much success in my new internet digs. You know how I am wary of change, but even I couldn’t deny that it was time. I outgrew Unknown Mami and was feeling confined in many ways by that name, but now I can just be all of me.
- Hubby and I are doing a major budget overhaul. I mean MAJOR. Everything is about to get real. Universe, we would like your help staying on budget and being determined to achieve financial abundance.
ALSO READ: There Is Power in Voicing Your Wishes
For others:
- Jessa and her boo need some love. Boo needs abundance in the work sphere as well as in the health sphere. Help him be healthy and send him work opportunities. Send something wonderful to my Jessa as well, she very much deserves it. Pick her brain and get her to be very specific with you about what she wants.
- Paty has had some not awesomeness happening around her brand name and fools who don’t respect. Keep her calm and let it all be resolved quickly and in her favor. Also, send her mucho dinero and inspiration to make even more dinero.
- Send Feliza good health and much happiness.
- Tracey has wishes and is waiting on you to make them come true. Come on Universe, what ya waitin’ for?
- Lendy is so ready for Luna to sleep in her own bed from here on out. Make it happen!
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Thank you, beautiful!!!! <3