Have I mentioned that my husband is a professional gardener and passionate about horticulture even when he’s not working? Well, he is and it’s a wonderful thing because his passion for horticulture means that we go on family outings to places like Shelldance Orchid Gardens.

I’ve written about Shelldance Orchid Gardens before because he’s taken our daughters there and was kind enough to take pictures, but I had never been there myself until this weekend. Honestly, when he pulled up to the place, which is in Pacifica, California, I didn’t really want to get out of the car because I am wary about being around other people in an enclosed space, but my husband assured me there wouldn’t be many people in there and he was right.

I’m so glad I did get out. The plants inside of this place transferred some of their life force into me and I left feeling so much better than when I got there. If you are ever in the area, I highly recommend you stop by. Keep in mind that they are only open on the weekends.

Shelldance Orchid Gardens
Pacifica, CA
ALSO READ: 12 Wishes for My 12-Year-Old
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I just read some things and the 42 Things about my husband was SO CUTE!. I can’t wait to meet you all. Reading your writing is helping me to get to know you.
Aww, your comment made my day. Thank you! I can tell you that you have an incredible nephew. He is a truly kind and wonderful person. Look forward to meeting you as well.