Some people look at opportunity as if it were a pie with only a few slices to go around. No, no, no! Opportunities and abundance, like the Universe, are infinite. INFINITE! If you like pie, that’s great, shove some in your pie hole, but do not go around thinking you can’t have your abundance pie and eat it too because you CAN. On that note, let’s make some Wednesday Wishes.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- As I have mentioned before, I am decreasing my meds with the intention of going off of them completely at some point. The process has been slow because it needs to be so that my body and mind don’t freak the eff out from withdrawal symptoms.
For the most part it is going well, but this morning I was on the brink of a panic attack. I was sleeping and my heart started racing for no reason. Adrenaline in the form of fear started coursing through my body making me wonder if I am doing the right thing about my meds. I couldn’t go back to sleep, but I was able to calm down by breathing and reminding myself that sometimes anxiety is a side effect of decreasing the meds, which sucks since I have anxiety disorder and that’s mostly what I take the meds for. I’m fine now and I realize that everything even anxiety or panic attacks are temporary, but DAYUM. I hate that this is something I have to deal with it. It makes me feel broken and scared. What I’m wishing for is patience with the process, strength and to remember that I am worthy of my own love and compassion.
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For others:
- Connie would like more hours in the day, but since that isn’t possible may she find a way to be more focused and productive, which is totally possible. Universe, help Connie find a system that helps her cut out distractions and focus on one task at a time so that she can get it done and move on to the next. It’s amazing how much we can do when we find a methodology that works for us.
- JusTina wants the Warriors to win in 5 and so do I! I mostly just want them to win though.
- Cindy’s friend Lou found out that she has cancer. Send her love, strength, support and health.
- Martha continues to wish for the resolution of a family situation. We all know how long and drawn out certain familial problems can be. Remind everyone involved that underneath all of the difficulty and conflict there is LOVE. Love is the driving force.
- Mari has been having a blast exploring the world and needs a push to get more organized now that she’s back home. She is also kind enough to wish for blessings for me and I will always gratefully accept any blessings sent my way.
- Sonia is wishing for karmic payback (the good kind) for me and she continues on her path to financial security. Remind her that it may seem like a long road, but she knows where she’s headed and she knows what she wants and she needs to keep on going and keep on believing because it WILL happen.
- Send Kristina more fun job opportunities that she can rock!
- Paty knows that there is enough for ALL so she is wishing for well paid job opportunities for herself, for me and for all who are wishing for them.
- Kelly has fallen in love with a new home. Love is grand. She is wishing that this particular love story has a very happy ending.
ALSO READ: Proof That There Is No Shame In Being A Sh*TTY Mom
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Keeping everyone’s wishes in my thoughts and prayers. I want the Warriors to win too! I’ve been enjoying watching the games with my son.
Hasn’t it been fun? I’m not even a big sports fan, but it is so much fun to sit and bond over a game. Plus, I might indulge in snacking a little too much.
Thank you so much! <3
1000x Gracias y que haci sea. BB2U
It’s not only what you say but how you write it down. You are a very, very sweet person. And thoughtful. You will find the patience to wait for your body to adjust to every single change it has to. And, if not, you are going to be fine anyways.
Big hug, guapa!
Oh Paty, I think you may have come into my life to help me see things in myself that I am blind to. Gracias.