Hello fellow wishers. I hope you find yourself in a hopeful kind of mood, but even if you don’t it’s time to make some Wednesday Wishes in an effort to guide some of the abundance of the Universe your way.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- Patience and compassion for myself and others.
- My mother is having health issues that are causing her pain. May she feel better soon and find pain management that works for her.
- I like money. Keep it flowing into my life.
ALSO READ: You Can Give up on Your Dreams without Being a Failure
For others:
- Lizette would like for her crotchet hats to sell. Her Etsy shop is up and running, please send some lovely customers her way.
- Theresa started out by wishing for Trump to go far, far away like Iceland. I just don’t think Iceland deserves the likes of him so I suggested we gift him to Putin. Universe, what we are really wishing for is an end to this man’s nonsense and the nonsense of him running for president.
- So Will was makin’ his usual wish for work with either the city or county of SanFrancisco along with “a lil’ world peace, a whole lotta power to the people✊?, and aloha, always A-L-O-H-A” and as soon as he was done wishing he got an invite to take the BART train operator exam. SAY WHAT?! Please help him ace that sucka, blow them away at interview time and have the HR department begging him to work for them.
- Chantilly is wishing for health and wealth. Gotta love wishes that rhyme. Please help her sinus incision heal with nary a complication and help all of her friends and family KILL it financially.
- Lorraine would like for her jaw to relax, which made Denise share that she’s a major jaw clencher as well. Please send relaxation to their lovely jaws and enough peace to their lives that they don’t feel the need to clench again.
- Laura is still looking for an abode, Universe. Point her in the right direction por please.
- Let me be clear, Vianessa wants clarity.
- Paty is asking for financial abundance. Make that cash flow in her direction.
- Suzette is wishing for her father’s recovery after a stroke so that he may be able to live how and where he likes.
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Praying for your mom. Keeping everyone in my thoughts.