I’m writing this in the last few moments of the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. There is some sadness in my life that I am feeling deeply and there is also much happiness and gratitude that I am embracing. This year has been a challenge for so many of us. Let’s stay hopeful. Let’s wish each other well and let’s never stop believing that our wishes can come true because they can. Now, wish along with me.
What I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- I’m tired, Universe. It’s more of a mentally tired than a physically tired kind of thing. Please help me focus on the things that matter to me and somehow become re-energized.
- I’m having some issues with a family member and I can’t see how they will be resolved or if they can be resolved. Help us find a way to better.
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For others:
- Elizabeth is wishing for peace and the protection of Standing Rock Protectors and supporters. May the government hear the national outcries and stop such violence against humans. She is also thinking of and sending wishes of comfort to all the parents who have lost children this year, especially the parents who lost children in the bus crash earlier this week. She would like for all who feel compromised to know that there are people in the world that love and care about their well-being and will continue to fight for their protection even if they are many miles away.
- Ian is wishing “for a way forward that does not trample on the rights of others.” Me too, I’m wishing for a way forward, an equitable and fair way forward because going backwards should not even be an option.
- Eileen continues to wish for her sister-in-law’s health, may she be cancer-free and pain-free. She’s also praying for the comfort of anyone who is suffering from an illness. She sends wishes of happiness and health to Abigail, who celebrated a birthday recently.
- Kathy wishes her dad were alive so that they could celebrate Thanksgiving like they used to. Since that isn’t possible, my wish for her is that she notices his presence in the food, the joy and the traditions he gifted her with.
- Réne is wishing for less hate in the world. In order to help out with her wish, I promise to love more and voice my love often.
- Deborah’s daughter Amber is moving to Montana. Deborah’s husband is helping Amber move. They’ll be travelling in a U-Haul and towing Amber’s car along. Keep them safe on their journey from Riverside, CA to Great Falls, MT. May Amber be happy and have a wonderful life in her new home.
- Paty is wishing for financial security and abundance for her family especially in these last few weeks of the year. She is also wishing that I never lose my sense of humor as she enjoys my funny blog posts. I’ll tell you what Paty, humor is my coping mechanism; it ain’t going anywhere. Love you!
- Lisa is asking the Universe to bless her sister with a healthy, joyful baby next year.
- Please send much strength and faith to Mari’s cousin Steve, who is undergoing chemo before a stem cell transplant.
- Joanna is wishing me and my family a happy Thanksgiving. I wish the very same for her and hers.
- Sharice is open to positive changes like a better financial situation and is working toward them. She applied for her dream job! Send her all her heart desires and MORE.
- Kaylia is in need of patience while dealing with her family. I’m wishing her and her immediate family, the one that she has created, a very wonderful Thanksgiving.
- Tracey wants love, peace and mucho dinero.
- Sonia wants love and peace for The Trio, financial security for all and “a never-ending feeling of gratitude for being alive and a knowing we are here for a reason and that we are loved- and very worthy of it.”
That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Reading you is like watching kitten videos on a loop: Impossible not to love it! Keep your head up and your heart full of all the good things, including humor. Love you back!
Wishing for you and thanking you for sharing my wishes. Keeping everyone in my thoughts and prayers.