Hello! It’s time to make some Wednesday Wishes and manifest abundance in your life, don’t you think? The answer to that question is YES! There is no harm in wishing for what you want and I would argue that the mere act of wishing for what you want is beneficial because it helps you focus even if only for a moment on things that bring you joy. So let’s get on with this wishin’ fest!
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week:
1. It’s back-to-school season over here and my kids are having some adjustment issues. My second grader had a great first day of school and still didn’t want to go back the second day. What’s up with that? My preschooler is in a year-round program, but she’s missed a lot of days this summer because of illness or wanting to stay home with her sister or whatnot and she is not excited about getting back into the school routine either. Universe, help these kids out a little. Let them learn much and have much fun in school this year. Thank you.
ALSO READ: My Kid, “Do You Know What Sex Means?”
2. My Facebook feed has been filled with updates of people having accidents and thankfully surviving them. Wishing everyone affected a speedy road to recovery.
3. Earlier this year, on a Wednesday Wishes post I wished to double the traffic on this blog by the end of the year. Well, Universe, you are delivering on that promise and it looks like that wish will come true by the end of this month and not the end of the year. THANK YOU! Please know that I’m open to and wishing for more of where that came from.
ALSO READ: I Wished for Something Amazing and I Got It
What are you wishing for this week?
Whatever it is, please let yourself wish for it, let yourself believe it can be yours.
tell them the need to have a good school year or — oh wait that approach might put too much pressure on them. MORE traffic – I don’t see it over in my little blog corner.
I feel like summers tend to be light on the “friend” traffic in general. I’m getting traffic to old posts for people who searched Google for something or other that I wrote about.