Reflecting on the teleconference I participated in with Poncho de Anda, I have to laugh at myself because if you would have told me in my early 20’s or even early 30’s that I would enjoy a conversation about parenting that veers into talking about diapers and wipes, I would have told you, you were out of your mind. Why would I talk about such things when there is so much more to life? Ha! Right now, diapers and wipes are at the core of life for me. They are a part of my everyday life.
My daughter Luna Pie uses baby wipes and diapers day and night. I break down there importance in my routine like this: wipes are my heroes during the day and diapers get me through the night.
My days are messy. Bums, spills, faces, furniture, floors, and my clothing all need to be cleaned multiple times a day. All day long I find myself reaching for the baby wipes. Baby wipes aren’t just for babies. They help keep me sane and clean. I know I’m not the only parent that has used baby wipes to freshen up when a shower has been elusive. I will spare you the visual. Sometimes I wonder how I ever lived without them, but then I remember that before I had kids showering regularly wasn’t an issue.
Huggies Natural Care Wipes are a favorite. They are thick, strong, and fragrance-free. I bring up the fragrance-free because really why does everything on the planet have to have added fragrance? Enough already! I don’t like to put perfume on my baby’s tushie. I just want to clean it, but again wipes are not just for tushies. You can get all MacGyver with them like my husband did when he didn’t have a hair tie for our oldest daughter’s hair. The Huggies Natural Care Wipes were strong enough to hold her hair back and she looked a little retro-stylish.
Diapers mean the most to me at nighttime. Why? Because on most nights we co-sleep, which means if her diapers leak, they leak on me. We’ve tried all kinds of diapers and some definitely have better protection than others. My sleep is precious and that last thing I want to do is change a baby, change sheets, and bathe myself in the middle of the night.
Huggies Snug & Dry Diapers have always been a household favorite, but now they are improved with Leak Lock to pull wetness in and lock it away. Honestly, I was happy with them before the improvements because I’ve never has an issue staying dry when Luna Pie is wearing them at night, but I do believe that Miss Luna Pie is enjoying the improvements. I notice that the drier her tushie stays at night the more comfortably she seems to sleep. Oh and don’t think she makes it easy for Huggies to stay Snug and Dry. She likes to load up on water before she goes to sleep. So well done Huggies, I say!
Now back to the beginning of the post where I told you I enjoyed the conversation with Poncho de Anda about dealing with parenting messes, I guess he enjoyed it too because he’s going to have another LIVE bilingual chat on Facebook. Be sure to “Like” the Huggies Latino Facebook page and visit on Thursday Sept 20 from 12 – 1 PM EST, if you get a chance. He really is delightful.
This is part of a compensated campaign with Latina Mom Bloggers and Huggies. However, all opinions expressed are my own.
I will wipe out the window sills inside and outside the window with baby wipes. I also clean our very small bathroom floors with baby wipes. The ones with added vitamin e and other moisturizers make the floors very slippery 🙂
I have to say I’m glad these days are well and truly over! 😀
i will be honest…getting out of diapers was a glorious day for me…well getting my kids out of diapers…haha…we do still keep wipes on hand though…you never know when you will need them…
Interesting! I got this post by email today! 😀 Are you experimenting with something?
Enjoyed reading this post again though!
🙂 Takes me back to all my son’s diaper stories 😀
I got it too and I didn’t do anything new that I can think of. Very weird. I think Feedburner is messing with me again.