My kids wagon-pooling with a good friend. Photo courtesy of the wagon-pooler’s mom.
I Can Finally Tell You
Holy moly or chicken mole (if you’re hungry), I deserve an award! For weeks I’ve been wanting to tell you my BIG NEWS, but I haven’t. Sure I’ve told some people here and there and made them swear to keep it a secret, but I’m married or related to most of those people so it […]
Imagination and Creativity Can Change the World: LeapPad2 & Mr. Pencil Review and Giveaway
Somehow the forces of the internet connected me with the good people at LeapFrog (purveyors of educational fun) and on occasion I am given the opportunity not just to try out their products free of charge, but to delve into the entire creative process that goes into the development of their products. When LeapFrog sent […]
Haight Street Scenes (Sundays In My City)
A beautiful sunny day on Haight Street with a clock that always reads 4 20. San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you […]
Funny Pitch and The Assassination of Google Reader (Fragmented Fridays)
I get pitches for the blog a regular basis. Some are great, some are not. Some are a good fit, some don’t fit at all. I received the funnies pitch I’ve ever gotten the other day and it was funny because it wasn’t meant to be funny. I love to share funny, so you know […]
Celebrating National Pi Day with Pie #MCPiDay #spon
Thank you to Marie Callender’s for sponsoring this post. Click here get $1.50 off a Marie Callender’s frozen pie at any national retailer, link good through Mar. 21! March 14, 2013 is National Pi day. You know pi, that wonky go on forever number that is used to calculate the circumference of a circle. […]
Google Reader Export: How to Export Your Reader Feeds
Google is at it again. They have announced that come July 1, 2013 Google Reader will be discontinued. Google, why do you giveth and then taketh away so often? I am so over it. I also know that once Google has decided to taketh away, taketh away it will no matter how much I complain. […]
Lowe’s #Giveaway Featuring #TheCroods
You may be aware that the DreamWorks film, The Croods, opens March 22. I’m sure many parents and grandparents will be taking the kids in their family to enjoy this film. Watching films with our kids has become a great source of family fun. Did you know that you can extend the family fun surrounding […]
I was Called Green Giant as a Child #AGiantSurprise #spon
Thank you to The Green Giant™ for being a sponsor. Show the Giant your surprise talent here! It’s true, when I was a child other kids used to call me Green Giant. But you know what? It didn’t bother me at all. You see I was never a very athletic kid. I wasn’t into team […]