Books aren’t the only reason libraries are fun. San Francisco, CA. I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with or without words) that not only lets you share your part of the […]
Latinos and the 2012 Election #WeDecide
It’s a big election year and my inner political monologue goes a little something like this: Poliltics?! Who has time for politics? I’m too busy changing diapers, freaking out about trying to get Put Pie into a public preschool, worried about how to make ends meet on what we’re making at the moment…but how can […]
Weird Jobs (Fragmented Fridays)
I’ve had some really ridiculous jobs in my day. There was the one where I almost met George Clooney while hocking imitation designer perfumes. Almost is key. And there have been many others including the one I write about in my post at Aiming Low entitled, The Dangers of Dialing for Dollars. Yes, I was […]
Encouraging Creativity #ShineOn #CleverGap
This post is sponsored by GapKids. Check out all the fun Shine On activities at your nearest Gap store. For event dates and locations, visit Gap’s Facebook page and join the conversation on Twitter with hashtag #ShineOn. As the mother of two small children who fancies herself as creative, I love to encourage the artistic […]
I took this picture… then I used Photoshop Elements 9 “Guided Edit- Pop Art” to turn it into this… and had a 16”X20” print made for $6.50 to hang in the kitchen. What have you made lately?
How to be a Great Dad: Daddy Skills
My husband, Unknown Papi, is a great dad! He has mad daddy skills. I find it encouraging that more and more fathers seem to be taking pride in being fantastic fathers. So what does it take to be a great dad? I grew up without a father so all I can tell you is what […]
Scenes from The Mission District (Sundays In My City)
Mission Dolores pictured above. Mission High School pictured below. There is nothing like a walk through The Mission District in San Francisco, CA on a sunny day. Glorious! I showed you mine, now show me yours. Share your city/town/suburb/you name it! Think of this as a photography carnival or photography meme (with […]
Hope Instead of Worry (Fragmented Fridays)
Fell asleep peacefully last night, only to wake up in the middle of the night with a racing heart worrying about things I can do nothing about during the middle of the night. Reminded myself that there was nothing I could do at that very moment, focused on the comfort of my bed, the sweet […]
Lunch Break
When I work outside the home for a certain amount of hours I get a lunch break; it’s mandatory. I try to impose the concept of a lunch break when I’m at home, but my 1-year-old and (almost) 4-year-old bosses just don’t seem to want to comply with break laws; they are adorable tyrants. My […]
Talking to an Old Friend
Old friends get together after many moments or years spent apart and reminisce about the past. They remind each other of this and that, laugh at memories that one holds and the other had forgotten… “Oh, my GAWD! I never would have thought of that ever again if you hadn’t reminded me. But do you […]