Hola Chulas y Chulos! Hang on to your pompis because you are about to laugh them off. My chancla and I found some fun stuff for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. Ready or not vamonos!
- Last week my chancla and I told you that we were excited because it was announced that funny ladies Jenni Ruiza and Jesenia would be debuting a comedy series called “Fix Yo Life” via Latina. Well, the debut has happened. In this episode they teach us all how to redefine the term b!tch so that the next time someone calls you a b!tch you can be all, “Ay, muchas gracias for noticing what a badass I am.”
ALSO READ: 13 #IMDumb Tweets That Will Make You Feel Better About How Dumb You Are
- This men’s eyeliner challenge video deals with a very real issue that women who take their winged eyeliner game seriously have to deal with regularly: dudes are always rushing us and it’s not cool. A steady hand is needed to get that liner on perfectly and having someone hurrying you is just gonna screw it all up.
Now, the video does not touch on an issue that moms who like winged eyeliner have to deal with and that is that in addition to having some dude rush us we have to deal with kids climbing all over us while we’re applying the liner. Everyone step away from someone who is putting on eyeliner!
ALSO READ: Pokemon Pendejadas That Will Make You Laugh
- This just in! Shakira can dance with acne cream all over her face. Don’t believe me just watch!
Is there anything this woman can’t do!
ALSO READ: Groserías, Frida Flip Flops and Don Ramón the Hipster
That’s it for this week’s The Flying Chancla Report. I love you mucho and remember, spread love, not chanclazos!
I like the redefinition of bitch. I always thank people for calling me bitch because well it is an acronym for…. Beautiful, Intelligent, Talented, Cunning and Horny… lol
Horny, hahaha!