I think hope is a muscle that needs to be exercised and I exercise mine by making Wednesday Wishes. I believe in the abundance of the Universe coupled with intention. My intention is to wish for the things I want as a way to attract them into my life. I also believe that together we are stronger and that’s why I always wish for others and invite others to wish as well.
Here’s what I’m wishing for this week…
For myself:
- I’m feeling flat. I don’t know exactly how to describe it, but “flat” is as close as I can come to it. I’m working with my psychiatrist to get my meds to where they need to be. Help me with this, Universe.
- I’m still waiting for it to rain money in my life. Make it rain!
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For others:
- Lorraine is sending love and healing thoughts to all her friends battling cancer. She is wishing that they all feel better soon.
- Denisse is praying for someone who is special to her and having severe mental health issues to be healed or find her way to better. She extends her wishes to all who are dealing with mental health issues or are suffering for a sick family member. This makes me cry because I know how hard it can be on everyone, not just the person battling the issues.
- Taca has her friend’s mother, who just had heart surgery, in her thoughts. May she be healthy and home very soon.
- Cinella’s husband is seeing a knee specialist. May he get the help he needs so that he can heal and “be able to reach his goal of participating in a stair climb next year on Sept. 11th in memory of those who lost their lives in the WTC!”
- Paty is also wishing for someone who is struggling with their mental health. May she get the help and therapy she needs as well as have the commitment to stick to it in order to get better.
- Mari noticed that so many are wishing for the health of others and she would like to join in wishing for all those that need help with their health, are going through chemo or are having surgery. She is wishing in particular for the health of our friend Chantilly.
- Marj wishes her son could speak. My heart goes out to both of them.
- Kelly is looking for balance. She started a new job as a teacher and is going through the mommy-guilt wringer. She’s “filled with tears and dread about finding the balance of mothering while taking on this new role.” I wish balance for her as well, but not just in the mom/work area also in the area of noticing how much she does right. I understand that she feels “beyond terrified of messing it up,” but I want her to notice and feel pride in everything that she is doing well. I have no doubt her children will be her greatest supporters and admirers.
- Mario has been dealing with grief and he’s wishing for strength to keep on keepin’ on. May he realize that nothing in this world is forever and that he and his heart are resilient.
- Nancy is wishing me well and I am so looking forward to catching up with her soon.
- Eileen has Chantilly’s well-being in mind. May Chantilly’s health issues be resolved. May she have clarity. May she realize how truly special and loved she is even from people she rarely if ever gets to see in person. May her husband Ricky get to college.
- Sonia would love for her daughter to be cured, but until then please help her daughter to come to terms with her illness and start taking her meds. I’m wishing for comfort for Sonia because I’m sure the worry is hard on her.
- Tracey would like it to rain money. Seriously Universe, shower us with some financial abundance. We’ll spread it around, it’s good for the economy. Everyone wins.
- Laurita is praying for guidance for herself and her family as they face many changes. She is also praying for the health of Jewel.
- Work-related wishes are going out for Laura, Scott and Will. May they all find kick ass jobs that pay well, keep them interested and are a good fit.
- Laura is sending me kisses and I love me some kisses so THANK YOU.
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That’s it for me this week. What are you wishing for?
Your in my thoughts and may your wishes come true. Sending healing vibes to everyone. My heart aches with them. BIG {{{HUGS}}}
I just realized I missed visiting this wish post last week. I wonder where I was, probably asleep at me keyboard. I hope the flat feeling has gone away and that your meds are soon where they need to be and that the rain has begun. I may be a week late but I am sending out positive vibes for all on your wish list.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!