I’m not an idiot, I know that change is inevitable and some changes I’m fine with. I mean, I change my chonies on the daily, I change the oil in my car when it’s time and I change the channel like nobody’s business, but if I’m being honest I realize that those things are more a part of a my routine than actual changes.
Real fundamental change scares the caca out of me, which necessitates more changing of the chonies. Why does it scare me? Because like so many of us, I am a creature of habit. I crave stability and safety. Change has a way of not feeling safe because it is different than the known, different than what we have done. Choosing change means we are taking a risk.
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And yet I know that there can be no real growth or development without change. That our journey through life is meant to be filled with change. We are meant to change ourselves and our world for the better. Nothing is meant to be forever.
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And yet I crave FOREVER. I want to be promised forever, but the only thing life has ever promised me and continually delivers is change. And yes, there have been times when I’ve resisted change, times when I’ve put on blinders so I wouldn’t have to look change in the eye, but all that has ever done is delay the unavoidable and when I finally get around to making the change I’ve been putting off, I end up wanting to kick myself for fighting it for so long.
So can we all agree that change is not easy, but that it must be embraced?
I wrote this post because I have a lot of changes to make and I’m scared of all the work it’s going to entail, but I wanted to remind myself that I’m making changes because I want more than what I have now because I deserve more than what I have now. I wrote this post because I wanted to remind you that the beauty of change is that it often leads to somewhere better than where you were before the change.
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How do you handle change in your life? Do you embrace it or do you resist change until it forces itself on you?
I’m definitely going to save this post in my Feedly. I do not like change but I know it is a part of life and most of the time it is not fun or wanted. I like all the quotes you picked.
It never seems to be easy, but things are gonna change whether we want them to or not. Thinking of you and yours. I have to stop by and catch up. It’s been a whirlwind over here and I’m missing my updates.
I like the quote by Socrates. Still good after thousands of years.
slehan at juno dot com
I do not handle change very good. I resist the change until it is forced on me! Maybe because I am getting older. I like things to stay constant and peaceful. But I know that life can be more exciting when I change and do something different!
Hey if you have any extra change, I’ll be glad to take it. Ok, I couldn’t resist that remark. LIsten to “Changes” by David Bowie it has plenty of advice and good beat.